Memory Tests
Memory Types
Making Memories
Forget About It
Memory Potpourri

It's a multiple-choice exam.

What is a recognition memory test?


Riding a bike again after many years.

What is procedural memory? or What is implicit memory?


Vision and hearing dominate in this part of the memory process.

What is sensory memory or sensory store?


Not being able to recall any memories under the age of 5.

What is infantile, or childhood, amnesia?


Memory pioneer who studied, and tried to memorize, hundreds of lists of nonsense syllables.

Who is Hermann Ebbinghaus?


Write all 50 US states and capitals on this blank piece of paper.

What is a free recall memory test?


Remembering Lansing is the capital of Michigan.

What is sematic memory? or What is explicit memory?


Part of the brain essential for long-term memory storage.

What is the hippocampus?


Fatal disease characterized by a gradual build-up of plaque, abnormal clusters of protein fragments, causing tangles that progressively deteriorate neural functioning by killing healthy nerve cells.

What is Alzheimer's Disease or AD?


Most children who do not understand a question usually answer this way.

What is 'yes.'?


_______________ is the home of the Eiffel Tower, Cathedral of Notre Dame, and the Louvre. (please do not answer 'Paris,' it is a memory test question)

What is a cued recall memory test?


Remembering what you had to eat on your first date with your future spouse.

What is episodic memory? or What is explicit memory?


Place where meaningful, relatively permanent, information is stored.

What is long-term memory?


Confabulations are common in dementia that affects this part of the brain.

What is the frontal lobe?


The three main characters Dorothy meets in Oz are the SCARECROW, TIN MAN, and COWARDLY LION. This sentence is an example of the _________________ Effect.

What is Von Restorff? (sometimes called the 'isolation' or 'bizarreness' effect)


I studied for my Psych Final Exam less than I did for earlier chapter tests.

What is savings/relearning memory test?


Playing, and winning, the game Jeopardy.

What is semantic memory? or What is episodic memory? or What is explicit memory?


Part of the memory process between sensory store and short-term memory. Quarterbacks and nurses are usually adept in this memory stage because of the various information they are currently attending to.

What is working memory?


When amnesia patients can learn to play a video game but not remember being taught it, or remember any individual play session, while becoming highly skilled at playing the game, this memory type seems to be less affected by their dementia.

What are implicit memory? or What are procedural memory?


A process that activates implicit memory whereby exposure to one stimulus influences a response to a subsequent stimulus, without conscious guidance or intention.

What is priming? (I say peanut butter, you say _________.)


Your quiz tomorrow.

What is free recall? or What is cued recall? or What is recognition?


Reading a paragraph and then being able to complete words you have seen in the paragraph using cued recall (example: CON_________ or SUP_________)

What is implicit memory?


A prompt that helps us remember. When we make a new memory, we include certain information about the situation that act as triggers to access the memory.

What is a retrieval cue?


Believed infantile amnesia was caused by repression due to the emotional trauma of early childhood.

Who is Sigmund Freud?


P_________  A_______________ moves information from the sensory store to short-term memory. Without doing this there is no chance to ever move this information to long-term memory.

What is 'paying attention'?
