linking new information to something you already know
WRAP memory strategies are some of Tay's favorites! What does the "W" stand for?
a technique that involves creating a visual image to help you remember something
a technique that involves reviewing information at intervals to help you remember it
What is the Date Today?
You work with a speech therapist that often brings Reese's or other treats, speech therapists treat swallowing disorders. How could you associate swallow therapy with the speech therapist?
We EAT and drink treats with the SWALLOW therapist
What does the R stand for in "WRAP"?
You have plans to go to walk and roll in the Dining room on Wednesday! How could you use visualization to remember this?
Picture yourself Dancing to your favorite song in the Dining room.
You meet a new Occupational Therapist Assistant named Angie. How could you use repetition to remember her name?
Immediately say, “Hi Angie, nice to meet you”. Frequently say her name in a sentence.
What activity is today at 2:00 PM?
Nutrition Class
You are cruising down to Walk and Roll today and know that you need to head toward the Dining room for group. In group we often Dance for exercise. How could you remember where to go for group?
Association the word "Dine" with "Dance" = Dine and Dance
What does the "A" stand for in WRAP?
You keep forgetting to lock your wheelchair breaks. How could you use repetition to remember to lock those?
Repeat "lock the breaks" each time out loud before you stand up and sit down, make cards with visuals for use and "practice" the scenario
What Activity is Tonight at 6:00 PM?
Your friend got a new friend, Bob, loves the Boise State Broncos. How could you use association to remember the his name?
Think of him as "Bronco Bob"
You are buying new picture frame for your friend, you want to get her favorite color, sky blue. How can you use visualization to remember the color?
Picture your photo with the sky as the frame; picture the color on the frame
Pumpkin Pie Social!
Your friend Peter wants to get pizza with you on Friday. How could you use association to remember this?
Think "Peter Pizza"
a memory strategy that involves breaking large amounts of information into smaller, more manageable units
You have to remember to your Bingo Bucks for the Skyline mobile store. How could you remember to do this?
Picture yourself paying for your items with your bucks!
You order your food at Panera and they tell you that you are order 435. How can you use repetition to remember this?
Repeat 435 in your head or out loud in a whisper
What time is our Thanksgiving Meal at on Thursday?