What are ways to reach out to teachers if your scholar needs additional assistance?
Logging on a few minutes early
What is being on time for class?
I teach children how to read, write and more!
What is a teacher
A place you go to turn in classwork and assignments
What is Google Classroom?
Making sure your scholar is logged on to their class by 8:30am
What is a way to ensure my student is present for class?
Muted, raise hand, and video on.
What are Zoom expectation for students when they login?
I teach you how to sing and play instruments.
What is a music teacher?
A place I go to see my class and my teacher
What is Zoom?
Nightly classwork checks
What is working with your student and teacher to ensure your child turns in their work?
Turning in assignments by the end of the day and attending live Zoom classes.
What are ways students are counted present?
I teach you about dance and different ways to move your body.
What is a dance teacher?
A place I go to turn in my daily exit ticket
What is the assignment tab in Google Classroom
Work completed independently
What is allowing my student to become an independent learner?
Using chat for to answer questions, going to trusted websites, and talking with people you know.
What is good internet safety?
We run the school and you may come to us when there are issues.
What is our school director?
A place I go to receive tutoring and finish incomplete assignments.
What is Study Hall?
Create a learning space at home or relative's home
What is preventing my student from being distracted in virtual learning?
Regular clothes or Memphis Scholars uniform, but no PJs
What is appropriate dress for virtual learning?
I talk to you when things are not going so great or if you are having a rough day at school.
what is a school counselor or school social worker?
A place I can go to view my school schedule for the day.
What is the upcoming the Grade Information Section to "Classwork" Tab?