what the two main Resurce from the middle east and north Africa
oil and natural gas
what is one of the problems of M.e.n.a
Iran Israel Jordan Syria Iraq Yemen conflict
what are two main religions of middle east and north Africa
Roman Catholicism
what is the capital of Romania
what is the biggest countries in east and Europe
conflicts in Mena that are happening right now
what is the Biggest religion of the middle east
capital of Czech-republic
what's the capital city of Ukraine
what do we use phosphate for
we use it for fertilizers
what is one war in the middle east and north Africa
Libya civil war
what is the religion of Russia
people in Russia practice Orthodox Christianity
what is the capital of turkey
what is the smallest country in east and Europe
monte negro
what is a none renewable resource in Middle East Africa. that we mostly use in are life
natural gas for cocking and draying clothes
conflict. in east and Europe
Russia vs Ukraine
what is the religion of Egypt
what is the capital of Iraq
What country in the Middle East in Africa that have more nuclear weapons?
what is the most important natural reassure in Eastern Europe
Economic problems in Eastern Europe
Lack of modernized industries
east europe biggest religion
Eastern Orthodoxy
what Is the biggest capital of Eastern Europe
Country has the most natural resources.