This Pokémon has a Metal-type card that has an ability called Geotech System and an attack called Algorithm-GX.
What is Metagross?
(reminder to the host to change the scores and reset the buzzers)
This Pokémon Champion uses a Vileplume in their Champion battle.
Who is Trace?
This yellow Pokémon accompanies Lucy Stevens in POKÉMON Detective Pikachu.
What is Psyduck?
This Pokémon and its trainer narratively connect each episode of Pokémon: Twilight Wings.
(Only the Pokémon is necessary.)
What is Corviknight?
This Colorless EX card released in Roaring Skies was almost mandatory in nearly every single deck in the time it was allowed in the Standard format due to its ability, listed below:
"Set Up: When you play this Pokémon from your hand onto your Bench, you may draw cards until you have 6 cards in your hand."
What is Shaymin-EX?
This Pokémon Trainer from Sinnoh specializes in Pokémon with high HP.
Who is Cheryl?
Professor Oak gives a Squirtle to these two trainers in the anime.
Who are Gary and May?
When held, the Yellow Scarf increases this contest condition.
What is Toughness?
In Fly Me to UU, singer Chris Voiceman pleads the following in the song's bridge:
"Gimme another chance, darling! I know I'm UU now, but I used to be king of the world, baby! They had to ban me! I was good on my own, but put up a sandstorm, and forget about it. Look, I can change for you. I can feel it! I'm gonna get Dragon Dance, next gen, maybe, maybe next DLC. Come on, I feel it, this is the one, baby, gimme another chance, I can change for you, just watch me!"
The song is sung from the perspective of this Pokémon.
What is Garchomp?
These three Pokémon are collectively depicted on three pairs of Pokémon LEGEND cards, with each pair of cards depicting two out of the three.
What are Raikou, Entei, and Suicune?
This is one of five Pokémon that has a maximum of five stars in all its Pokéathlon performance stats.
What are Ditto, Mew, Sunkern, Origin Forme Giratina, and Arceus?
In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, Blue calls this character a "chatty gossip."
Who is Red?
This Pokémon is a 1% encounter in Viridian Forest in Pokémon Yellow. It cannot be found there in Pokémon Red or Pokémon Blue.
What is Pidgeotto?
In Pokémon Cypher 2024, musical artist shofu raps the following:
"Sableye, the rollie using Flash it gave him cataracts
_____, I don't want your Swagger you can have it back"
The second line begins with the name of this ability.
What is Magic Bounce?
This is one of sixteen Pokémon that has a Basic Fire-type Delta Species card.
What are Mewtwo, Bagon, Larvitar, Latias, Rayquaza, Horsea, Mankey, Heracross, Jynx, Ekans, Feebas, Ralts, Smoochum, Taillow, Mew, and Gyarados?
This nature increases Special Defense and lowers Defense.
What is the Gentle Nature?
In Generation I, these are two of four moves that Mewtwo can learn but Mew cannot.
What are Barrier, Recover, Mist, and Amnesia?
In Pokémon Adventures, Yellow names this Pokémon "Kitty." It is the only one of her Pokémon that has evolved twice. (Any evolution stage is acceptable.)
What is Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree?
This damage-dealing Z-Move will KO its target if and only if it has 1 HP remaining.
What is Guardian of Alola?
This Pokémon pairs with Mega Lopunny in a TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX card released in Cosmic Eclipse.
What is Jigglypuff?
This Pokémon has a species-exclusive held item that doubles its Defense stat.
What is Ditto?
These two Pokémon received the highest Special stat increase between Generations I and II, when the Special stat was split into Special Attack and Special Defense.
What are Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan?
This Poké Ball is created by Kurt after giving him the Yellow Apricorn as an ingredient.
What is the Moon Ball?
Tochukaso is associated with this Pokémon's evolution line. (Any evolution stage is acceptable.)
What is Paras/Parasect?