Children & Youth
How To Define Menopause
Gender Reassignment Surgery/Treatments
Hormone Replacement and Osteoporosis
Association of Cancer and Menopause

True or false: only women over the age of 40 can experience menopausal symptoms.



What age is commonly known as the end of perimenopause and the start of menopause?

Around 45


What is the XY term used for transgender individuals undergoing menopause?

Andropause, this is considered the XY equivalent of menopause.


What is hormone replacement therapy?

A potential way to help treat and alleviate common menopause symptoms. They are used to replace hormones the body is no longer making.


Which is associated with higher risk of cancer, earlier or later menopause?

Later (55+)


Is it possible to conceive naturally once a woman has experienced “complete” menopause?

No, ovulation will no longer take place. It is rare but possible with IVF.


List at least 3 common symptoms of menopause.

Hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, insomnia, mood swings, incontinence and more.


Does estrogen use change throughout life for transfeminine individuals, affecting menopause?

Yes, the medium of estrogen administration tends to shift after age 50.


What is the difference between osteoporosis and osteopenia?

Osteopenia and osteoporosis differ in the amount of bone lost. A doctor may look at bone mineral density or BMD and create a T-score, which is a relative comparison of measured BMD to the BMD of a young adult. Bone density score is only one of the factors that determine your risk of fracture.


Which type of cancer is associated with later  menopause?

Breast Cancer


Can menopause impact raising children, and if so, how?

Yes. Worsening physical and mental health, including over-exhaustion, psychosis, and manic and depressive episodes, are often a side effect of menopause. This can lead to family distress.


What duration without a period is typically considered menopause?

12 months


How do menopause symptoms appear for transgender individuals?

Hormone therapy doses may shift, causing symptoms that are often misattributed to menopause.


What types of hormone replacement therapy exist?

Broadly, there are 2 main types: estrogen and combination (progesterone and estrogen) therapies. 2 classes help define how a patient takes the therapy: systemic; when the product enters the bloodstream, and local; applying the treatment only to the affected area.


Why does later menopause cause increased risk of breast cancer?

increased exposure to estrogen. 


Does having children impact the age at which a woman can start menopause?

Yes, there has been some research that indicates that a woman who is childless can experience premature menopause.


Does spotting mean menopause has not occurred?

No, it is not always the case. Some individuals may experience spotting after menopause has begun.


Do individuals receiving gender-affirming hormone treatment experience typical menopausal symptoms?

No, hormone therapy can mean menopausal symptoms are sometimes not present at all.


Can the use of hormonal contraceptives impact the onset time of menopause?

The onset age of menopause is not affected by the historical or current use of hormonal contraceptives. It is recommended that the use of birth control pills stop by age 50 and earlier in the 40s if in perimenopause.


Where is the production of estrogen coming from during menstruation?

The ovaries produce estrogen, this production drops dramatically after menopause.


What is POI and what is a common way to treat it?

Primary ovarian insufficiency, where a woman's ovaries stop working normally before she is 40. This can cause premature menopause. Treatment is often hormone replacement therapy.


True or False: Individuals with PCOS experience menopause earlier.

False. They typically experience menopause a few years later.


What is venous thromboembolism?

VTE is a cardiovascular condition associated with use of oral estrogen in transfeminine individuals over age 50.


List 3 common risk factors for osteoporosis.

  • Over 50

  • A patient's biological parent experienced a hip fracture

  • XX individuals (females)

  • Previous fracture(s)

  • Certain ethnic groups are more at risk (Caucasian and Asian)

  • Other factors like certain medical conditions and diet 


At which phase of the menstrual cycle is estrogen produced by the ovaries?

During the follicular phase.
