This Day in History
Beasts in Books
Something Fishy
Sports Lingo

In 2021, the Cumbre Vieja, an example of this type of geologic phenomenon with lava inside, erupted in the Canary Islands.

What is a volcano?


These animals in Orwell’s “Animal Farm” stick together and bleat the phrase "Four legs good, two legs bad".

What are sheep?


Instead of lungs, fish have this so they can breathe underwater.

What are gills?


In tennis, when you score zero points, they use this term that sounds a lot more "heartfelt" than "zero."

What is love?


In 1999, John Baur and Mark Summers of Albany, Oregon declared that September 19th should be a holiday where everybody talks like one of these seafarers, known for swashbuckling, wearing eye patches and skull hats, and finding buried treasure. 

What is a pirate?


In "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," this so-called "king of the jungle" wishes he "only had some courage."

Who is the Cowardly Lion?


These little fish are often found packed together tightly in a can.

What are sardines?

Did you knock this "flying" piece used to play badminton out of the bounds of the court? You can say "bye bye" to it.

What is a birdie?


In 1991, a mummy called "The Iceman" was found on this mountain range located between Italy and Austria.

What are the Alps?


In "The Jungle Book", this kind Bear is a foil to his real life equivalent, taking Mowgli under his wing, teaching him the "Bare Necessities".

Who is Baloo?


This traditional Jewish food is made from different varieties of ground fish shaped into patties.

What is Gefilte Fish?


In ten pin bowling, the term for when you roll three strikes in a row is referred to by this name, which is both a bird and a country.

What is a turkey?


In 1783, the Montgolfier brothers advanced French aviation by piloting this rooster, a duck, and a sheep aboard this type of inflated aircraft.

What is a hot air balloon? 


This spunky mouse with a meaningful name is the main character of a 1945 novel by E. B. White, in which he leaves home for the first time on a quest to find his best friend, Margalo the bird.

Who is Stuart Little?


This fish that swims upstream comes in varieties such as sockeye, coho, and king. It has a gray exterior and red, pink, or white interior.

What is salmon?


This eagle is the mascot of Boston College's sports teams and shares his punny name with a place on Long Island.

Who is Baldwin?
