With how many types of whips do the soldiers scourge Jesus ?
Three Types
1. Whips
2. Thorny Rods
3. Chains of hooked iron
What do the seven steps of the Immaculate Conception represent?
The Seven Days of Creation
One Less pleasure in this life = one more _____________ in the next.
I was the Spiritual Father of Fr. Gustavo. Before I died, I told him, "Your mission is to rebuild the priesthood."
Where do we see Jesus making reparation for pride?
The Crowning of Thorns
What was the test of our Blessed Mother?
God asked for her human will.
Jesus said acts of charity that are made for ____________ are the most pleasing to Him.
Purgatory Souls
I was Fr. Gustavo's first vocation.
Fr. Carlos
Where in the Passion do we see an image of Purgatory?
The Three Hours of Agony in the Garden
On the Ninth Day, God constitutes the Blessed Mother as Heavenly _______________.
The cross for man is like the ____________ for the horse.
I was the first to publish Luisa's writings, and she spent 10 years in my religious order called the Daughters of the Divine Zeal. I was proclaimed a saint in 2004.
St. Hannibal Mary di Francia
In the 7-8 AM hour, what does Jesus tell King Herod?
While living in the temple, what did the Blessed Virgin hear in the bell that called her.
The Fiat
Jesus says the priests have become deplorable, taking on a character that is __________________.
I was a victim soul with the stigmata, and I offered my life for Fr. Gustavo's mission.
Filomena Carnevale
I promise that every time a thought comes to me, which is not all for You, Oh Jesus, and I find myself in the occasion of offending You, I will cry immediately:
Jesus and Mary, I commend my soul to You!
A painful encounter, a truth that one comes to know, a love not corresponded to by other creatures, a set-back, a pain, a disillusion, an unexpected good fortune...
Are so many stars that produce light in the minds of creatures.
After the death of Luisa's parents, Jesus tells her that the secret contained in the fruit of the cross is Eternal _____________.
Eternal Beatitude
I introduced the Divine Will to Fr. Gustavo as "Something even greater than the Mystical Marriage."
Andrea Magnifico