How many days in a typical menstrual cycle?
What is 28
Correlation between menopause and CVD?
What is an increase in risk of CVD during menopause
HIIT is safe during pregnancy
What is true
This is a key muscle to train postpartum
What is the pelvic floor
Exercise is safe for pregnant and postpartum females
Should be taken into account when prescribing exercise?
What is an individualized approach
After menopause, response to exercise may be less robust compared to premenopausal women?
What is true
How much does blood volume increase by during pregnancy?
What is 50-60%.
This muscle group has decreased strength up to 6 months postpartum?
What is trunk flexors
In menopausal women, why does BP increase?
What is in order to compensate for lower CO.
Originally thought to be decreased during the early follicular phase
What is strength and endurance
ASCVD risk factors after menopause (name 2/4)
What is
past medical history
pregnancy history,
family history of ACSVD, social history, lifestyle
biomarkers and labs
These joints are impacted the most during pregnancy.
What is pelvic and wrist joints?
Phases when returning to exercise after childbirth?
What is recovery, rehabilitaiton/traning, and competition
This is how return to exercise be performed
What is gradual and progressive
This hormone is increased during menstruation
What is LH
In menopausal women, what decreases but can be improved by exercise?
What is endothelial function
Flow mediated dilation assesses this
During the second half of pregnancy, what is the main fuel source? What are the implications of this shift during exercise?
What is fat metabolism
Increased fatigue during exercise
How many weeks are postpartum women more fatiguble compared to nulligravid? How does this affect exercise?
What is 26 weeks
What is decreased tolerance, limits performance of repetive or sustained tasks
HIIT traning showed (or didnt show) this in pregnant women
What is no negative impact in fetal heart rate and umbilical blood flow
General phase based recomendations for exercsise training or performance during the menstruation phase?
What is none.
How does exercise help postmenopausal women?
What is an improvment in lipid status or metabolic health which improves endothelial function.
Due to heavy resistance training, what pregnancy complications were decreased compared to general population? (2/3)
What is gestational HTN, preeclampsia and gestational diabetes
These are the key recommendations to return to running readiness (3/6)
What is deconditioning, muscle atrophy, pelvic floor dysfunction, soft tissue dysfunction