What is self-image?
Your mental picture of yourself
What is stress?
The body's response to challenges
Answers may vary.
Positive: take a walk
Negative: yell at your sister for no reason
What is a healthy behavior you might do after a very stressful day at school to help you relax?
read, watch TV you enjoy, talk to a friend about it, go for a walk
Myth or fact: Mental health illnesses are something that only adults suffer from.
MYTH! Mental health conditions can occur in anyone, regardless of their age. Children and teenagers can also develop mental health conditions,
What is identity?
Who you believe yourself to be
What is a stressor?
A factor that causes stress
What are 3 benefits of mindfullness?
reduced stress, improved mood, improved sleep
How might someone who is extremely angry after an argument with a friend try to manage their emotions in a healthy way?
Take some time alone, talk to someone they trust, exercise
Myth or fact: Mental illnesses are for life. There is no recovery
MYTH! People with mental health complications recover all the time, and no two illnesses are alike. Some find it helpful to talk to a professional, such as a therapist, while others find support in talking to friends or family. Being diagnosed does not mean you will struggle with it all your life - with advice and treatment, you can feel better.
What is emotional awareness?
the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions and the emotions of others
Give 3 examples of stressors that a middle schooler might have
schoolwork, homework, family problems, conflicts with friends
What is mindfulness?
paying attention to the present moment on purpose without judgement
How do emotions affect the way we think, act, and make decisions?
Impulsivity: Strong emotions, like anger or excitement, can lead to more impulsive behavior. For example, someone feeling angry might lash out or make a hasty decision without fully thinking through the consequences.
Risk Assessment: Emotions influence how we evaluate risks. Anxiety or fear might make us overly cautious, while excitement or confidence could lead us to take risks we might not otherwise consider.
Myth or fact: Mental illnesses make people violent, aggressive, and dangerous
MYTH! More often than not, people living with mental health issues are not dangerous or violent. In reality, those with mental health complications are more likely to be victims of bullying or abuse.
What is self-compassion?
treating yourself with kindness and understanding
How can you help your friend if they are feeling stressed out?
Ask them if they need to talk about it, let them know you're there for them
How can time management help a person manage their stress?
it can give you a sense of control over your responsibilities. When you learn to organize your time effectively, you can balance schoolwork, hobbies, etc. without feeling overwhelmed
Name 5 emotions
angry, sad, happy, frustrated, confused, relaxed
Myth or fact: depression is not just about "feeling sad"
FACT! Depression includes a variety of symptoms, such as loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, changes in sleep or appetite, difficulty concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness. It can also cause physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, digestive problems, and changes in appetite or sleep.
What does it mean to have empathy?
to be able to put yourself in other people's shoes; to understand the wants, needs and perspectives of others
Name a fight-or-flight response
pupils widen, heart rate increases, muscles tighten, brain function increases, breathing rate quickens
Name 3 stress management strategies
coloring/drawing, journaling, deep breathing, yoga, taking a walk, listening to music, etc.
"You annoy me so much when I come to pick you up and you don't answer your phone" Make this an I-Statement
"I feel annoyed when you don't answer your phone because I came all the way here to pick you up and then I have to wait."
If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, what can they do?
Talk to a trusted adult about it. Talking to someone can help reduce the feeling of isolation and help you to get the support you need to feel better. There are professionals like therapists and counselors that can help. If someone you know is struggling, listen actively to them and let them know you are there for them. Encourage them to seek help and/or provide resources