Diagnosis & Symptoms
Famously Addicted
Mental Health Facts
The Godfathers
Are you Coping?

What is the term for when someone experiences a mental illness and a substance use disorder simultaneously?

Dual diagnosis, or also referred to as co-occurring disorder


Who are the two founders of AA?

Bill W. and Dr. Bob


50% of mental health problems begin by what age?


:Research has shown that half of all mental health disorders start by age 14; however, an average of 11 years pass after the onset of symptoms before a person seeks help for mental health symptoms. Acting out during childhood is often times seen as just part of being a kid; however, this is not always the case. Acting out can be a sign of underlying mental health concerns or other life stressors.


This psychologist started as Sigmond Freud's student & college who eventually turned into his greatest rival. 

Carl Jung

: focused less on a deep dive into an individual’s past and more on the invisible connections between all people and the universe as a whole. He believed that we are all striving for individuation within this collective system. He also believed we are striving for the ability to use both our conscious and unconscious minds. 


The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

What is gratitude!


What is the TOP 3 mental health disorders in the U.S.?

Anxiety Disorders

Major Depression Disorder 

Bipolar Disorder

:When co-occurring w/ substance dependence increases risk. 


Name two risk factors for developing addiction

What are genetics, learned behavior, trauma, environment, mental health struggles, etc?


What is the leading cause of disability worldwide?


:Depression is the most common mental health challenge in the Unites States. It can change how a person thinks, feels, and acts and cause our body to feel sick too. And whereas sadness is a normal reaction to a loss, disappointment, problem or other difficult situations, if symptoms of sadness and depression last for more than two weeks and impact daily functioning at home, at school and at work it is important to get help.  


This Austrian neurologist established psychoanalysis while treating female patients presenting with the psychosomatic symptoms of ‘hysteria’. 

Sigmund Freud 

:Freud explained how the unconscious functioned as a repository of repressed sexual and aggressive impulses which he later termed “drives”. 


Getting enough sleeping, eating right, exercising, and avoiding alcohol are all instances of _____, which is important to treating depression.

A) Self-diagnosis

B) Self-treatment

C) Self-care

D) Self-reliance


Which disorder is characterized by an inability to remember a traumatic incident? 

Dissociative Amnesia. 


This famous princess struggled with drug & alcohol addiction for years. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and found sobriety at 29 years old. She then became a prolific writer and stand-up comedian. Who is she? 

Carrie Fisher. 


What percentage of individuals with severe mental illness report being victims of a violent crime within a given year?

More than 25%.

:Most people who have been diagnosed with a mental illness are not violent or dangerous. In fact, they’re more likely to be a victim of violence at a rate that is almost 12 times higher than that of the general population. 


Behaviorism is a theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning, and conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Behaviorists believe that our actions are shaped by environmental stimuli. Which Psychologist is known to be the father of this discovery? 

Established with the 1913 publication of John B. Watson's classic paper, "Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It."

John B. Watson 


Being present in the moment in a non-judgmental way.

What is mindfulness?


 What are the 5 main symptoms (categorized) of Psychosis? 

1) Confused Thinking: Thoughts become muddled or confused. The person may not make sense when speaking. 

2) False Beliefs: False beliefs, known as delusions, are common. 

3) Hallucinations:  the person sees, hears, feels, smells or tastes something that is not actually there. 

4) Changed feelings: someone feels may change for no apparent reason. 

5) Changed behavior: people with psychosis may behave differently from the way they usually do. 


Lapsing back to pre-recovery habits, such as eating unhealthy foods, not getting sufficient sleep, neglecting responsibilities, not going to meetings.

What is a warning sign?


Who developed the hierarchy of needs? 

A) Freud

B) Trump

C) Robin Williams

D) Maslow 


Who developed the social learning theory?

Social learning theory suggests that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating the behavior of others.  

A) Bandura (Albert Bandura (December 4, 1925 – July 26, 2021) 

B) Freud

C) Skinner


Setting boundaries is a form of coping in recovery. Which communication style is best for setting boundaries?

What is assertive communication?


What is a culture-bound disorder? 

A disorder specific to a particular cultural context. 


 He suffered from anxiety and depression throughout his short life, and he once wrote, “I put my heart and my soul into my work and lost my mind in the process.” Who is he? 

Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)


When was the birth of Psychology (Wundt)

A) 1875

B) 1900

C) 1879

D) 1804


What was Descartes famous quote? 

(French mathematician and philosopher) 

I think, therefore I am. 



Accepting situations that are outside our control for what they are to decrease suffering. Acknowledging difficult emotions but accepting reality for what it is.

What is radical acceptance?
