it is common and can make it hard to focus and sit still
An ____________exists when a person's thoughts and behaviors are focused too much on food and body weight.
Eating Disorder
mental illness doesn't affect me
mental health affects everyone
strong, sudden feelings of stress or fear
panic attacks
refers to weight loss that occurs from not eating.
Children don't experience mental health issues
Children can show early warning signs
People diagnosed with _______ can have a hard time talking about their feelings, understanding people’s actions, and being social.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
________ refers to eating large amounts of food over a short period of time followed by an attempt to get rid of the food.
People with mental health problems are violent and unpredictable.
No more likely to be violent than anyone else
People who have _______, their emotions can go from happy to sad very quickly.
Bi-polar disorder
getting rid of food by self induced vomitting
Personality weakness or character flaws cause mental health problems.
Many factors contribute to mental illness.
Someone diagnosed with _______ might feel very sad every day, or feel that nobody loves them.
______ _______is marked by eating, and eating, and eating and then having feelings of guilt and shame.
Extreme Overeating
Once a person develops mental health problems, they will never recover.
many recover completely