When do somatoform disorders begin?
What contributed to eating disorders in the US?
Being thin is attractive
How does a toddler express anger?
Temper tantrums
What are you to do if you suspect abuse or neglect?
Report it
Drug abuse in children is?
Client knows she exagerates her symptoms, believes there is something wrong, but no evidence there is anything wrong. What is the client diagnosis?
What is the main issue for a pt with anorexia?
During an assault cycle, a person is unable to listen to reason, follow directions, or engage in mental exercises. What stage is this?
What is battery?
repeated physical abuse to a woman, child or elder, is?
The process of withdrawing from a substance under medical supervision is called?
The most important feature of a factitious disorder is?
Symptoms are produced so they can play the sick role
This is a disorder in which the individual is eating abnormal substances
How often do you monitor and document on someone in restraintes?
15 Minutes
What are the symptoms of shaken baby?
history of unexplained lethargy, fussiness, or irritability in an infant
What is the drug antabuse used for?
stop drinking
An individual produces symptoms to avoid responsibilities such as duty or obligations. Frequently, clients will produce symptoms with the goal of receiving compensation, food, or shelter for the night. These are signs of?
What physical sign follows night terrors?
Intense stress
The main characteristic of this disorder is the failure to resist aggressive impulses that result in assault of another individual or property.
Intermittent explosive disorder
What age group has a high rate of suicide?
Older adults
What drug is processed cocaine that is extremely addicting because of the immediate high it produces?
Mother brings toddler to ER with GI issues and wants a full work up. When asked who the pediatrician is, the mother states "I haven't found one I like". What is this disorder?
Munchausen's syndrome by proxy
During a binge an individual consumes large quantities of what kind of foods?
Cakes, donuts, cookies
Instead of declining to cover the shift, the person complains to others. What is this disorder?
Passive aggressive
What is passive suicide?
stop eating and drinking
A person takes NSAIDS twice daily for pain, this person get anxious when he misses a dose. What kind of dependence is the person experiencing?