Psychological Disorders
Psych Disorders Cont.

Is the science of psychology that addresses the description, causes, and treatment of abnormal behavior patterns.

What is Abnormal Psychology?


True or False?

The Downward Drift Hypothesis is the belief that people with psychological problems may drift downward in psychological status.


It is they may drift downward in socioeconomic status. 


What are the three main modern perspectives in Abnormal Psychology?

Biological Perspective

Psychological Perspective


Observational Learning

what is learning that results when we observe the behavior of others and the consequences of that behavior?


A _____________ is an intrusive, unwanted, and recurrent thought, image, or urge that seems beyond a person’s ability to control

What is an obsession?

What feature is NOT one of the DSM-5 features?

A. Abnormal behavior patterns are classified as psychological disorders.

B. Specific criteria is used

C. Classifiy the individual and not the disorder.

D. Diagnosis are given only when the minimum number of symptoms or features are present to meet criteria.

C. Classify the individual and not the disorder. 

The DSM-5 looks only at the disorder, and not so much the individual. 


What are two criticisms of the DSM-5?

Reliance on a medical model approach

Need for more sensitivity to culture and ethnicity

DSM is always changing to include and exclude information

Fails to incorporate leading researchers and scholars


This theorist is responsible for identifying the personality as being made up of these three parts: 




Who is Sigmund Freud?


This is an example of what type of effect.

if you're regularly given the same arthritis pill to relieve stiff, sore joints, you may begin to associate that pill with pain relief. If you're given a placebo that looks like your arthritis pill, you may still believe it provides pain relief because you've been conditioned to do so.

What is The Placebo Effect?

Personality Disorders are characteriszed in three clusters. 

Cluster A:

Cluster B: 

Cluster C:

What is the behavior typically exhibited in each cluster.

Cluster A: Odd and Eccentric

Cluster B: Overly Dramatic, Emotional, or Erratic

Cluster C: Anxious or Fearful


What is the main difference between Bi-Polar 1 and Bi-Polar 2 Disorder?

Bi Polar 1 has periods of unrealistically heightened euphoria, extreme restlessness, and excessive activity characterized by disorganized behavior and impaired judgment. (Mania) 

Bi Polar 2: 

Characterized by periods of major depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes. Hypomania: milder form of mania


persistent feelings of dread, regardless of the situation, invasive worrying, and free floating anxiety may mean someone could be diagnosed with this disorder if it is affecting their daily life. 

Generalized Anxiety Disorder


Abraham Maslow was responsible for what theory? and what needs to be met before personal growth and self-actualization? 

Humanistic Theory 

Physiological and Safety Needs


What is one treatment under the Psychological Perspective?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


The tendency to attribute generally positive or negative traits to a person as a result of observing one major positive or negative trait.

What is The Halo Effect?


This disorder is characterized by a chronic pattern of mild mood swings between depression and hypomania.

What is Cyclothymic Disorder?


A chronic psychotic disorder characterized by acute episodes involving a break with reality, as manifested by such features as delusions, hallucinations, illogical thinking, incoherent speech, and bizarre behavior.

This disorder has two types of symptoms. First rank and Second rank.

what is schizophrenia?


The Biological Perspective states psychological disorders may be caused by the following factors: Genetics and Brain Chemistry.

True or False?



_____________ was developed by B. F. Skinner A type of learning in which the consequences of behavior tend to modify that behavior in the future (behavior that is reinforced tends to be repeated; behavior that is ignored or punished is less likely to be repeated)

What is Operant Conditioning?


What are two types of Behavior Therapy?

Systematic desensitization

Token Economies



These are features for this disorder:

Depressed mood

Lack of interest or pleasure in usual activities

Lack of energy or motivation

Changes in appetite or sleep patterns

What is Major Depressive Disorder?


___________   persists for months or even years or decades after the traumatic experience and may not begin until months or years after the event.

A person experiencing this disorder may feel: 

  • A life-threatening event. This includes a perceived-to-be life threatening event.
  • Internal reminders of the event. These symptoms typically present as nightmares or flashbacks. 
  • Avoidance of external reminders. 
  • Altered anxiety state.
  • Changes in mood or thinking.

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ?


Who was one of the creators of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and what was his main focus?

Who is Albert Ellis, and what is irritational beliefs?


What is this an example of ?

Every time I leave the bed at night if Jasper is in bed with us, he will scream cry for me, I always run back to him and then the crying stops. He has done this so much that I now feel like I am trained to do so.

Negative Reinforcement


________________ is when a tightly knit group is more concerned with preserving group solidarity and uniformity than with objectively evaluating all possible alternatives in decision making, individual members may hesitate to voice any dissent. The group may also discredit opposing views from outsiders. Even plans bordering on madness can be hatched and adopted when groupthink prevails.

What is Groupthink?