What is our well-being dependent on?
Our physical as well as our mental health
What two factors play a key role in causing mental illness?
genetic and/or environmental factors.
Before a person can be properly treated, who do they need to be diagnosed by?
mental health professional.
What is a key barrier to why many people don’t seek treatment for their mental illness?
they are afraid of the stigma that some attached to mental illness
Why don’t people often get the mental health services they need?
they don’t know where to start or who to turn to
What is mental health?
How we feel, think, and behave
What are environmental factors?
those things outside the brain that can impact or hurt the brain such as infection, malnutrition, or severe stress
How do mental health professionals diagnose if a person has a mental illness?
specially designed interviews, observations, and questioners (assessment tools) to evaluate a person for a mental illness.
What is another reason why many don’t seek treatment?
they are in denial
Who is a good person to talk with if you think you need mental health services?
Your primary care doctor
What is good mental health dependent upon?
The soundness of our brain and it being free from illness
What is genetics?
effect of genes on the brain’s development and the brain’s function and are often passed on from parent to child
Why can it take months for doctors to accurately diagnose a mental illness?
there are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness and many symptoms overlap
Denial is what type of mechanism?
coping mechanism
Why is it important to speak with parents and/or family if you think you need mental health services?
providing support but maybe able to help you find the mental health services you need
What is the brain responsible for?
Our thoughts, emotions and feelings
Who can develop mental illness?
What are four common mental disorders?
depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders
To be helped, a patient needs to accept what?
accepting that a problem even exists
If you are having difficulty finding or paying for mental health services where can you go?
local Mental Health office
When the brain is not working well, what might it negatively affect?
They may have a mental illness
How common and what percent of Americans suffer from mental illness?
25 percent or 42.5 million Americans suffer from mental illness each year
What are five possible signs or symptoms of mental illness?
changes in mood, personality, personal habits, or social withdrawal, excessive fears, worries, and anxieties, prolonged sadness, and/or suicidal thoughts
Who can be helpful in getting those in denial of having a mental illness to seek help?
Family and friends
What should you do if you or someone you know is suicidal or in emotional distress?
Get them the help they need!