ADHD stands for what?
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
What disorder is characterized by inability to sit still, struggling to pay attention, and blurting out comments?
Name 3 negative coping skills
Who was a racecar driver in the past?
Mr. Dave
Which animal can breathe out of their butts?
What does ODD stand for?
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Which disorder is characterized by experience 2 weeks or more of low moods?
What is a support system?
someone you can trust and lean on during times of need.
bonus 200 if you can name 3 of your own
Which teacher is afraid of Godzilla?
Mr. Chris
What is the name of the dragon that helps Mulan?
True or False: Bipolar Disorder is another term for mood swings.
Which disorder has symptoms of going through both depressive phases as well as manic phases?
Bipolar Disorder
What is a coping skill that takes a proactive approach?
practicing self-care or mindfulness regularly
Which teacher has a black belt?
Mr. Logan
Where is Mount Rushmore located?
South Dakota
How many symptoms do you have to present to be diagnosed with a mental illness?
4 to 5 or more
Bonus 400: what is it called when you don't meet all or most of the requirements?
What is an example of a manic phase?
risky behaviors
spending money don't have
high energy levels
What is the purpose of us taking walks everyday?
getting outdoors
breathing fresh air
Which group leader can beatbox?
Mr. Germane
Ask him to do it
How do you make seven an even number?
take out the s
What is the difference between ODD and Conduct Disorder?
ODD struggles more with authority and Conduct struggles more with following social norms.
Name three symptoms of PTSD.
Flashbacks or nightmares
experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event
triggered by specific stimuli related to traumatic event
excessive feelings of worry, fear, or anxiety without presence of danger
Name a coping skill for when you are depressed, angry, anxious, stressed, and have too much energy.
Who is Ms. Jewel's favorite student?
How many noses do slugs have?