Social skills
Stress and Anxiety
Mental health jokes

If you want to talk to someone but they're in the middle of a conversation, what should you do?

Wait until they're done talking. If it is too long, you can come back later. 


Mary brought a chocolate bar to school, but she does not want to share. What should you do?

Respect her wishes to not have to share


What should you do if you are stressed?

Take a break

Talk about it

Do some deep breathing

Participate in any relaxing activity (coloring, drawing, running)


What can you say to a bully when they bully you?


Your words do not affect me

I will not be treated like that

You don't have to say anything! Ignoring them and getting help from an adult can also help


What did the pig say on a hot day?

I'm bacon

What can you say to someone to introduce yourself? 

Say hello

Introduce your name, ask them for their name. 


You see a student being bullied on the playground. The bully is your friend, what should you do?

Tell your friend it is not okay to bully

Tell an adult to intervene


True or false: Only adults have anxiety

False, kids can also experience anxiety! 


Your friend does not agree with what you say or does not want to do things you want to do. Is this bullying?

No, people are allowed to have their own opinions. They are also allowed to play or do things they want to do. This does not make it bullying

What did the right eye say to the left eye?

Between us, something smells


What are some characteristics of a good friend?

Supportive, loyal, kind, caring, etc


You see a family member upset and crying. What should you do?

Ask them if they're okay

Ask them if there is anything you can do to help

Give them space if they would like some space


What are some situations that causes you stress/anxiety?

Answers will vary

True or false: bullying happens only in school

False! bullying can happen anywhere. School, home, work place, etc


What do you call a ghost's lover?

A ghoul friend

What are the steps to problem-solving?
1. State the problem clearly

2. Come up with some possible solutions

3. Choose what seems like the best solution

4. Try out the solution

5. Review how the solutions worked and make changes if necessary.


You are in a group project and there are some students who are not doing their fair share of the work. What should you do?

Address it with the students

Delegate or divide up the tasks

Ask the teacher for some assistance to deal with the situation


What is stress?

Stress is a natural response to any situation that can be challenging. It can be caused by any event that makes you feel scared, frustrated, angry, or overwhelmed.


True or false: It is illegal to physically bully someone. 

True. You can get in trouble with the law for attacking someone, such as punching, kicking, shoving. It is called assault


Where will you find Friday before Thursday?

In a dictionary


Making good eye contact, paying attention, hearing what the other person is saying, listening to understand. What is this skill?

Active listening


If you are upset, what are some coping skills you can use to calm down

Give yourself time and space to feel your emotions

Going to the restroom to splash some water on your face

Taking a break

Going for walk

Talking to your parents about your emotions


What does anxiety feel like for you?

Feeling of fear


losing sleep

racing thoughts

and many more as answers will vary


What can bullying cause? and what can you do about it?

Anxiety, depression, social withdraw, low self-esteem. Getting support, getting adults involved, speaking to others about your emotions. Surround yourself with good friends


Where do polar bears vote?

The north poll
