Scales & Assessment Tools
Mental Status Assessment
Mental Status Assessment

This type of medication is used to treat depression and anxiety by increasing the availability of serotonin in brain.

What are Selective-Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors? (Bonus: name an SSRI)


This scale is used to assess the severity of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. 

What is the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment - Alcohol Revised (CIWA-Ar)?


The delusional belief that, as thoughts occur, they escape from the person's head a can be heard by others. 

What is thought broadcasting?


This type of behaviour is defined as an uncontrollable, persistent urge to perform an act repetitively, often according to certain rules, manner or pattern (e.g. handwashing).

What are compulsive behaviours?


These are more commonly known as the 4 C's of addiction.

Compulsion, craving, consequences, and control


This type of medication is used to treat and manage the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).

What are stimulants? (Bonus: name a stimulant medication)


This scale is used to assess the severity of opioid withdrawal symptoms.

What is the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS)?


This type of delusion is the belief that one is in danger, being followed or monitored, harassed or conspired against. (e.g. the person believes that they are being stalked by the Mayor).

What are persecutory delusions?


This speech pattern presents as the imitative repetition of speech of another person.

What is echolalia?


This type of mood disorder is characterized by manic episodes lasting at least one week and present most of day nearly every day. Hypomania and depressive episodes may also be experienced.

What is Bipolar I Disorder?


This medication is a partial-opioid agonist used in the treatment of opioid use disorder. It's composition makes it difficult to misuse, especially if injected intravenously.

What is buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone)?

(Bonus: What OAT medication is an alternative to Suboxone, but considered to be less safe?)


This scale is used to assess an individual's risk for self-harm/suicide.

What is the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)?


When an individual's verbalizations are continuous and rapid, and thought content flows from one topic/idea to another, it is described as this type of thought process.

What is flight of ideas?


This range of affect is used to describe the abrupt, rapid and repeated shifts of type and intensity of emotion. 

What is labile?


A person with this disorder may present with hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized behaviour/thinking. 

What is schizophrenia?

(Bonus question: Are the symptoms listed positive or negative?)


This anticrave medication is used in the treatment of alcohol use disorder, but is contraindicated in those with signs of liver damage/failure.

What is naltrexone (ReVia)?

(Bonus: what is the name of the medication used if naltrexone is contraindicated?)


This assessment tool is used to measure the severity of anxiety for an individual.

What is the General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7)?


This type of behaviour is defined as sudden, irresistible urges or desires resulting from a particular feeling that can lead to an action.

What are impulsive behaviours?


"I futiligated the rocket to outer space" is an example of this type of thought process.

What are neologisms?


Core features of this disorder include instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, affect, and marked impulsivity.

What is borderline personality disorder (BPD)?


This medication is used in the management of treatment resistant schizophrenia, improving both positive and negative symptoms. But be careful, because there is also a high risk of severe neutropenia and seizures associated with its use.

What is clozapine (Clozaril)?

(Bonus: name another antipsychotic that is more common than clozaril)


This tool is used to assess the level of violence risk associated with an individual based on a number of factors, including previous history of violent behaviour and current presentation.

What is the Violence Assessment Tool (VAT)?


"Aliens took my brain and put it in the drawer of my desk. I have no brain." is an example of this type of delusion.

What are nihilistic delusions?


"Where should I lie? If I lie, will I die? Go to the sky, way up high?" is an example of this type of thought process.

What are clang associations?


Individuals with this disorder show a pattern of socially irresponsible, exploitative, and guiltless behaviour beginning in childhood or early adolescence; these behaviours typically fully manifest in the individual's late 20s or early 30s.

What is antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)?

(Bonus question: True or False - Most people with ASPD meet the criteria for psychopathy.)
