Generalized anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
Social anxiety disorder
Specific phobias
How do psychotic disorders affect communication?
Disorganized thoughts or speech
Lack of emotion and/or changes in facial expression
Difficulty understanding speech or other forms of communication
Difficulty making sense of new information
Difficulty solving problems
Slow processing speed, incoherence, difficulties maintaining topics, inappropriate topics
Social Model of Disability
changing identified systemic barriers, negative attitudes and exclusion by society
Psychotropic medicines
Psychotropic medicines work in the brain. They affect behaviour, mood, consciousness, thoughts or perception. They are used to treat mental illness. Sometimes they are given to people to restrain or to control behaviour seen as challenging by others.
Talking mats
Talking Mats can help people with communication difficulties have a greater understanding about the chosen topic. It can increase engagement and can enable them to make informed choices. Talking Mats is one effective method to support people with communication needs, but it should not be used as a stand-alone aid.
What are the symptoms of Anxiety and the impact on communication?
typically cause issues with talking, comprehending others, and articulating their thoughts. These problems often stem from a combination of factors, including. A lack of confidence in expressing themselves. Difficulties understanding what other people mean.
What types of personality disorders are there?
Borderline personality disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder
Avoidant personality disorder
Dependent personality disorder
Neurobehavioural Model
supporting individuals to overcome their problems in a constructive and rewarding way using real life situations
What type of mood disorders are there?
Bipolar disorder
Cyclothymic disorder
Symptoms of mood disorders:
Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
Difficulty sleeping or daytime sleepiness
Loss of appetite or binge eating
Poor concentration
How do personality disorders affect communication?
Symptoms of personality disorders:
Social anxiety that causes difficulty making friends
Desiring constant attention
Lack of impulse control or difficulty delaying gratification
Inability to realize or admit their faults (ego-syntonic symptoms)
Blaming others for their behaviors and feelings
The feeling of being cheated or exploited
Mood swings
Angry outbursts
Express feelings inappropriately, impulsive, difficulties in social situations, difficulty finding words
Psycholinguistic Processing Model
word, sentence and discourse meaning are computed and represented in the mind (Stackhouse & Wells, 1997)
How do mood disorders affect communication?
pressured speech
poverty of speech
distracted/voice disorders
Means, Reasons and Opportunities
without the means of communication you cannot express yourself, without reasons for communication, there is no point or need to communicate and without the opportunities, there cannot be any communication. A framework for considering the very complex phenomenon of communication (Della Money & Sue Thurman 2002)
What types of psychotic disorders are there?
Acute psychosis
schizoaffective disorder.
paranoid personality disorder or schizotypal personality disorder.
Delusional disorder
Person Centred Practice
Supporting people to be actively involved in their own health and care (NHS England)