What else is Cannabis Called?
Multiple answers -100 points per team per correct answer
What is.....
Marijuana, pot, weed, herb, ganja, reefer, chronic, kush or maryjane.
What is the most common mental health disorder for youth?
What is Anxiety?
Cannabis can make you feel _____ or _______
What is relaxed or more anxious
Why do young people try cannabis and other drugs?
Multiple answers 100 per team per questions
What is-
Being Bored
Wanting to fit in
What are ways people consume cannabis?
Multiple answers- 200 points per answer per team
What is ....
1 in 4 youth are seen by a professional for this concern
What is mental health
Cannabis can be helpful for specific people when recommended by a ______.
what is a Medical Professional
* only recommended for 25 years and older, for people with chronic pain, certain health conditions and mental health disorders when prescribed.
What are some other activities to do to stay busy and cope aside from using cannabis and other substances?
200 per team per answer
What is:
Playing video games or board games
listening to music
Up to what age does the Ministry of Health NOT recommend people use cannabis?
What is 25 years old
People often use ________ to cope with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and stress. This is a unhealthy coping method.
What are drugs and alcohol?
Why are individual's under 25 NOT recommended to use cannabis?
What is Brain Development.
What is deep breathing
What are the negative long term effects of using cannabis?
What is Lung Damage and dependency (addiction)
_______ has been found to be helpful for people struggling with their mental health.
What is counselling
If _____ and _____ are taken with cannabis the negative impacts are increased.
What is alcohol and other drugs
What is mindfulness?
What is,
taking your focus to the present moment and away from other thoughts.
When is 2018
Recreational cannabis became legal in 2018 but has age restrictions similar to alcohol and tobacco.
This Canadian pop icon has struggled with mental health and substance use.
Who is Justin Bieber
What mental health condition can you be more at risk of developing if you have any family history and use cannabis?
what is psychosis
What are some other things than substances that are okay to use in moderation but can be addicting?
What is,
Screens/Video games
Sugar and sweets