Will drinking or doing drugs make mental health worse?
Yes. What's mistaken as alleviating stress often results in added strain on the brain, which can lead to heightened depression, and the exasperation of already existing mental illness symptoms
Are people with a Psychiatric disorder more likely to also have an addiction?
Yes - Statistics shows that 50% of those with addictions will have a Psychiatric disorder and about 20% of people with a Psychiatric disorder have an Addiction.
Why is it important to treat co-occurring disorders at the same time?
Better likleyhood of: A reduction in substance abuse - Improved mental illness symptoms - Improved mental functioning - Decreased hospitalization - Increased housing stability - Fewer legal problems - A higher overall quality of life
Guilt/shame - Lying - Denial - Missing work, school, or significant events - Fighting with friends/family - Sleep disturbances - Lack of self-care - Intense urges - Needing more for same effects
What are signs & symptoms of Substance dependency
Substance Use Disorders & other Mental Disorders can be genetic.
Both SUDs and other mental disorders can run in families, suggesting that certain genes may be a risk factor.
What is a commonly used drug that can trigger episodes in individuals with schizophrenia?
How many of these people are likely to experience a mental illness?
1:5 adults in America experience a mental illness
What are some options for getting help with any mental health disorder?
Rehabilitation, medications, support groups, and talk therapy.
Excessive tension and worry - Restless/jumpy - Irritability - Racing heart/shortness of breath - Nausea, trembling, or dizziness - Muscle tension, headaches - Trouble concentrating - Insomnia
What are signs & symptoms of Anxiety
Trauma and stress will not make and mental health disorders more likely.
Environmental factors, such as stress or trauma, can cause genetic changes that are passed down through generations and may contribute to the development of a mental disorder or a substance use disorder.
People who have a mood or anxiety disorder are ____ times more likely than those who don’t to develop a substance use disorder, and vice versa.
Two times more likely
What is the #1 leading cause of disability worldwide?
How can being on SSI/SSDI help to gain access to treatment?
Those who qualify for SSI/SSDI will typically have Medi-Cal which will pay for a variety of treatment services including rehab, therapy, and medical treatments.
Helplessness, hopelessness - Loss of interest - Inability to experience pleasure - Changes in sleep, appetite/weight - Loss of energy - Worthlessness/guilt - Concentration problems - Anger, physical pain, and reckless behavior (especially in men)
What are signs & symptoms of Depression
Substance use and Substance Use Disorders can contribute to the development of other mental disorders.
Substance use may trigger changes in brain structure and function that make a person more likely to develop a mental disorder.
More severe psychiatric symptoms - more dramatic effects from using substances - including more blackouts -lower likelihood of following treatment plans - more physical health problems - increased experiences of social stigma - increased financial problems and homelessness - poorer management of personal affairs - more serious relationship problems, including with family - more verbal hostility, tendency to argue, disruptive behaviour, aggression - greater likelihood of ending up in jail, anf - increased suicidal thoughts and action.
How many American adults live with Schizophrenia?
About 2.4 million
Roughly, what percentage of adults with mental illness won't receive mental health services?
Euphoria/extreme irritability - Unrealistic, grandiose beliefs - Decreased need for sleep - Increased energy - Rapid speech and racing thoughts - Impaired judgment and impulsivity - Hyperactivity - Anger/rage
What are signs & symptoms of mania in Bipolar
Addiction is considered a mental illness.
Addiction can also be treated similarlily to other mental illnesses with therapy, medication & lifestyle.
Those with severe mental illness are about ____ times more likely to be heavy alcohol users.
Four times more likely
How many adults have co-occuring mental health & addiction disorders?
10.2 million
What are some local places you can go for help?
Interlink, Wellness Center, Telehealth, Tsunami, NAMI, Sonoma County Behavioral Health, Dial 2-1-1. Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Confusion - Less able to share/show feelings - Difficulty thinking clearly/making sense of info - Unusual thoughts or beliefs - Hearing, seeing, smelling or feeling things that others cannot - Belief of unseen forces trying to harm you or having special powers
What are signs & symptoms of Schizophrenia
80% of individuals with severe mental illness are affected by substance abuse.
Roughly 50% of individuals with severe mental illness are affected by substance abuse. Of all people diagnosed as mentally ill, 29% abuse alcohol/drugs.