An individual being at the end stage of life is considered as what type of enviromental context? 

A) Culture Context

B) Personal Context

C)Temporal Context

D) Social Context 

C.) Temporal Context


Which of the following is not a major component of cognition? 



Which of the following is not an illegal drug? 

A. Caffeine 

B. Meth 

C. Coke 

D. Weed 

A. Caffeine 


What is the American psychological Association primary resource for mental health diagnoses and disorders?

The DSM 5


Name 1 thing that is in an initial evaluation? 

- Establish baseline 

- Strengths and weakness 

- Occupational profile

- Build support 

True or False 

The 8 dimensions of wellness includes financial 



A client has expressed that they were stressed due to a traffic jam. What type of stressor would this be considered as? 

a) acute

b) chronic


A. Acute


How many symptoms must you show to be considered a substance abuser?



What are the 3 types of coping?

A.   Behavioral strategies

B.    Avoidance

C.    Cognitive Strategies

D.   All of the above

D. All of the above


Pain is the _____ vital sign..



This strategy is aimed at improving or restoring specific cognitive skills, such as attention, memory, and problem-solving so that the individual can more successfully engage in everyday occupations?

Cognitive remediation


 Suzie has been referred to OT because she has expressed that she feels like she has lost her sense of purpose and it is affecting her ability to participate fully in her daily activities. What dimension of wellness is being affected?



What is a common communication issue for an individual with schizophrenia? 

A. Loss of ability to communicate basic needs

B. Egocentric speech

C. Missing social cues

D. No problems

C. Missing social cues 


In substance use disorder (SUD) an assessment would display all the following? 

A. Problems with IADLS

B. Low Self-esteem

C. Increased social participation 

D. Poor social skills

C. increased social participation


What are the 3 sensory models?

  • Ayres model for sensory integration(child directed)

  • Dunn’s model of sensory processing(therapist directed)

  • Sensory rooms(often under used or poorly created)


The textbook defines wellness as "a conscious, deliberate process that requires a person to become aware of and make choices for a more satisfying life. " Which of the following is NOT a dimension of wellness that we discussed in class?

A. Emotional Dimension 

B. Technological Dimension 

C.  Dimension

D. Occupational Dimension

B. Technological Dimension 


What are the 3 areas of public stigma declared by Pryor and Reeders 2011 model? 

Structural stigma 

Self stigma 

Stigma by association


Which of the following is a proper discharge plan?

A. Michael will continue OT services once a week to continue addressing coping skills. Michael will be discharge in a week. After discharge he will see a COTA weekly to continue goals

B. Noreen was assessed by an OT on March 1st. She was interested in addressing anxiety. She was nervous and shy. She had a low volume of voice. She attend 10 OT sessions and 3 group sessions. She had the goals of coping skills and increasing social interactions and consistently taking her medication. At the conclusion of treatment Noreen identified 5 coping skills and 3 activities she will consistently do. Noreen is no longer in need of regular OT services and will schedule an after care appointment with her primary care doctor.- This is true because it has a summary of intervention, outcomes achieved and plan for aftercare

C. Carolina will continue OT services 3 times a week. Next week we will make a craft and she will follow 3 step instructions.



What is the best scenario that describes Autism? 

A. unable to have a consistent emotional attachment to a parent, children tend to have impairments in communication, impairments in use of language and recipricol social interaction 

B. may have trouble differentiation between was is real and what is a hallucination, attention deficits, cant interpret meaning from other words, understanding and conveying messages to others, missing social cues. 

C. avoiding conversation, lack of empathy for others, have trouble keeping conversations, processing skills are impaired,interpersonal conflicts due to being egocentric.  

D. manipulative language

E. have trouble sharing emotions, non-verbal and verbal, repeat words and phrases, weak mental coherence (difficulty reading emotions and trusting others) 



When it comes to right to affordable housing what percent of income should be spent on rent?

A. 20%

B. 30%

C. 40%

D. 60%

B. 30%


An OT is working with a client who presents with symptoms of avoiding sensory input, difficulty perceiving motion, difficulty tracking, inability to interpret emotional expressions of others, as well as auditory and visual processing deficit relating to communication and social skills. What sensory condition does this client present with? 



An OT has a client and notices something happening that captures the individuals performance at one moment in time. What type of assessment is she noticing? 

 a) Static 

b) dynamic

c) activity analysis 

d) Occupational questionnaire


A. Static 

When should you begin the discharge planning process? 

A.) When the patient asks to be discharged

B.) As soon as the patient is admitted to the service

C.) Halfway through services

D.) When they can complete ADLs on their own



There are three different ways that OT’s can teach coping strategies to clients with physical disability. These coping strategies include problem focused coping, emotion focused coping, and identify maladaptive coping. Which two coping strategies deal with internal locus of control?

     a.) problem focused coping and identify maladaptive coping

  b.) emotion focused coping and maladaptive coping

     c.) problem focused coping and emotion focused coping

     d.) None of these are true

     c.) problem focused coping and emotion focused coping


Explain what social construction is and the role an OT can play with their client?

If you got anything in this 

 Perceptions of reality are determined by the entire world around us, our interactions and relationship with others, with ourselves, and with our environment (Bronfenbrenner, 1987). 

An OT can advocate, educate, and build skills for a client to succeed in their social construction.
