What is the most common anxiety disorder in students?
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
What are potential daily stressors for adults?
Work, household responsibilities, finances, mental health/physical health concerns, unexpected events, educational challenges
Is the use of defense mechanisms a healthy way of coping? Why/why not?
False; defense mechanisms help maintain problems a defensive person may deny that there is a problem in the first place, fail to take responsibility for their actions, and percieve healthy criticisms as personal attacks.
Define a peer educator
a peer who maximizes their knowledge and skills to help their peers make healthy or healthier choices
What are some methods of mental self-care?
Practicing gratitude, using healthy coping mechanisms, setting goals and priorities, stay connected to others.
What are some signs that someone is depressed?
Consistently low energy, isolation, low self-esteem, loss of interest, loss of appetite, sleep problems/insomnia
How might someone's body react during times of stress?
Stomach pains and discomfort, nausea, increase/decrease in appetite, mood swings, triggered fight-or-flight response
T or F: Healthy coping mechanisms are often reactive in nature
False; unhealthy coping mechanisms tend to be less thought-out and conciously executed than healthy coping mechanisms.
T or F: Someone can fulfill multiple roles as a peer educator. (ex: being a friend and activist at the same time)
Will the same self-care methods work for everyone?
When a pregnant mother suffers from anorexia or bulimia, is her child at risk?
Yes. It may cause low birth weight, malnutrition, miscarriage, and premature delivery - which can cause developmental delays and disorders that affect the rest of the person's life.
How can you tell if someone is experiencing healthy stress or toxic stress?
Toxic stress will negatively impact someone's social, work, and/or home life and may cause health problems. This can be visibly seen in behaviors such as jaw clenching, lashing out at others in anger, complaints of constant body aches, and a consistent lack of energy.
Describe projection as a coping mechanism.
What are the stages of change in chronological order?
Precontemplation, Contemplation, Determination, Action, Relapse, Maintinence
Can self-care alleviate symptoms of a mental health disorder?
Yes, but the extent thaf it helps depends on the disorder and method of self-care used.
What are possible comorbid disorders to conduct disorder (CD)?
Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD), Depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Intellectual Disorders (ID), Substance Use Disorders
Can someone be stressed without feeling stressed?
Yes. Someone may not notice they are stressed because they are distracted by their stressors.
What are some questions that can be asked to assess how healthy one's coping mechanisms are?
When coping, do you tend to find solutions to the issue or use distractions to alleviate the discomfort?
Are you able to appreciate the "shades of grey" in life (someone can have good and bad traits at the same time), or are you more of a black/white type of person (someone is either entirely good or entirely bad)?
What are the moral principles of a peer educator?
Ethics, Integrity, Autonomy, Non-maleficence, Beneficience, Justice, Fidelity
T or F: Practicing self-care in one aspect of the self will only help that aspect. (ex: practicing physical self-care will only help your physical health)
False, practicing self-care in each aspect will bounce off on the others and heal them as well
What can you do to support someone who recently got diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)?
Encourage them to follow their treatment, learn their triggers, set firm boundaries, and understand that you can not cure or control their disorder or behaviors.
What may the fawn response to stress look like?
Feeding into the stressors to temporarily appease a feeling of stress.
Ex: pursuing a career to appease parents -> denying your own feelings of discomfort/pain/needs/wants
What are some examples of neurotic defense mechanisms?
Intellectualization: overwhelming feelings or thoughts about an event are handled by isolating the meaning from the feelings and focusing on the meaning alone. Ex: reading about the grieving process when greiving someone close to you
Rationalization: choosing to do something based on emotional grounds and making reasons to justify the actions at a later point
Others include: displacement, repression, reaction formation, workaholism
What are the common traps of a peer educator?
Trying to do too much, taking on something too big, internalizing the issue, blurring the lines on integrity/ethics
What are the 8 pillars of self-care?
Mental, emotional, physical, environmental, spiritual, recreational, social and intellectual