Doing this is an unhealthy way of coping with stress.
What is Substance abuse, Excessive alcohol consumption,
Emotional eating, Self-harm, Isolation,
Impulsive or risky behaviors
What does the acronym PTSD stand for?
Post-traumatic stress disorder
A negative attitude towards mental health that prevents people from seeking help.
What is stigma
These can be used to reduce stress and feelings of anxiety while also improving our mental wellness.
What are coping skills?
This disorder is characterized by hallucinations and delusions.
What is Schizophrenia
These are considered personality disorders.
Borderline, Antisocial, Narcisstic, etc
These are warning sign and symptoms of a relapse.
This helps increase neurochemicals in the brain and can be used along with psychotherapy.
What are medications.
Exercise produces this neurochemical that produces a "natural high".
What are endorphins
CBT stands for this.
What is Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Symptoms of this disorder include not sleeping, impulsivity, grandiose delusions, engaging in risky behaviors like gambling.
What is Bipolar Disorder
The ability to bounce back from a hardship.
These are the two most common mental health disorder.
What are Depression and Anxiety
These techniques will help calm down a panic attack.
What is deep breathing, relaxation exercises.
A disorder that has extreme intense depressive symptoms that alternate between manic moods
What is Bipolar Disorder
What is a Mental Health Disorder
This coping strategy includes expressing good things from your day.
Feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe.
This is the most common cognitive disorder.
What is Alzheimer's Disease.
These physicians specialize in treating mental disorders.
Who are psychiatrists
A sudden, overpowering fright response or feeling of terror for no known reason is an example of this.
What is panic attack.
This is just as effective as medication for mild depression.
What is talk therapy
These are fixed beliefs that are not based in reality.
What are delusions.
This mental disorder is common in Veterans.
What is PTSD
Doing this can promote positive mental health.
What are mindfulness, exercise, going to church, socializing.