Anyone can see a mental health professional for help when they need it.
What is FACT. As we all deal with stressors and other problems on a daily basis, we could all visit a trained professional (counsellor, therapist, etc.) to get some help.
This is an emotion that typically arises when something positive has happened to you or to someone important to you. It also arises when your needs are met.
What is joy/happiness! Feelings of joy help you know what’s important to you and makes you seek more of it. For instance, when you feel joy at the sight of someone you like the emotion of joy lets you know how good it is to be with that person and that they mean a lot to you.
An unhelpful way that people try to deal with their emotions that can ultimately lead to mental and physical health problems.
What is ignoring/repressing our feelings. Many people try to just pretend they aren't feeling upset, stressed, or other big emotions about situations in hopes that their problems will just *poof* go away.
Although ignoring how you feel might feel like the easiest way forward, it only works in the very short term. The better solution? Working to understand and accept your feelings- the good, the bad, and the ugly- as all are a part of being human.
This is someone in your school who is always willing to listen to your problems!
Who is ME, your school counsellor!
School counsellors work with students on a short-term basis to resolve any issues across a variety of areas including academics, career, mental health, personal relationships, etc.
School counsellors are trained to be expert listeners and ask you questions or complete activities to help you look at situations in a different way or find a new way of dealing with the problem at hand.
Most people will never be affected by mental health issues.
What is MYTH. In Canada, 1 in 5 people will experience a mental health issue or illness at some point in their lives. So, everyone will be affected by mental health issues either directly (yourself) or indirectly (knowing someone managing mental health issues).
A peaceful state where the body feels relaxed, our mind is settled, and we feel content.
What is a sense of calm. When we are in a calm state, we are best able to solve problems, make good decisions, and get along with others.
We can learn many strategies to get into a calm state, such as mindfulness!
The process of writing down your thoughts and feelings about situations.
What is journaling! Journaling supports our mental health by providing us a space to reflect on and vent about what's been going on in our lives. It can reduce stress, boost your mood, and help you be more self-aware! When we are more in touch with how we feel, we are better able to make decisions that will be supportive of our mental health.
This is someone I can see outside of school who can help me with mental health issues I might be experiencing.
Who is a psychologist, counsellor, or social worker!
Anyone of these roles may call themselves a "therapist" and all use different combinations of therapy models to help their clients overcome challenges and embrace their strengths.
There are people who have mental illness and people who have mental health.
What is MYTH. Mental health is something that EVERYONE deals with- we all experience stress and other daily struggles that affect our mental health and we can all work to improve our mental health.
This is the painful feeling that comes when you have lost or are about to lose something that is important to you. It is a cry out for what is lost and a wish to hold on to something that is important to you.
What is sadness. Being sad can be very painful and overwhelming, but it can in a strange way feel quite good- it can be quite soothing and calming.
When you are sad, it is a sign you might need the comfort, support, and care of others. Connection with others is one of the best ways to lessen the heaviness of sadness.
Something that happens to our bodies when we are sad that is very effective for dealing with emotions of sadness, stress, or frustration.
What is crying! Some people think "it's silly for me to cry over this" or "there's no point in crying over this" but really, crying helps our bodies process our emotions and actually releases stress hormones which allows us to relax and calm down. Crying is a great way to let go of big feelings!
This is the first step to getting some help with your mental health.
What is talking to a trusted adult! When we have an open and honest conversation with an adult we can trust (parent, teacher, etc.) about what we are experiencing and the challenges we are having, they can often point us in the right direction for where to get more help.
We have good feelings and bad feelings.
What is MYTH- ALL FEELINGS ARE VALID. Meaning, we have a range of different feelings because we are supposed to. No feeling is "bad"-- it might be uncomfortable and you might not find it pleasant, but it is not "bad". Feel all of your feelings!
This healthy primary feeling is a reaction to a perceived threat to something or someone that is important to you. In other words, it arises when someone treats you or your loved ones poorly, someone invades your personal boundaries or when someone prevents you from achieving something that is important to you.
What is anger! Anger is a healthy emotion that shows us when we need to set boundaries, create distance and to protect that which is important to us.
Anger only becomes a problem when we express it in unhealthy ways towards others (or ourselves) or when we cover up other feelings with anger instead of allowing ourselves to feel sad, disappointed, or fear.
Something we can do to relax the body and calm our body. It requires no equipment, but does require the individual to practice the skill before applying it to stressful situations.
PS. This is a something the Navy SEALs use to help deal with difficult situations such as combat.
What is deep breathing! When we take deep breaths (diaphragmatic breathing) it sends signals to our brain to release relaxation chemicals that lessen the tension in our muscles and help us calm down.
Navy SEALs use a technique called box breathing:
This type of mental health professional can prescribe medication for mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
Who is a psychiatrist. Unlike a psychologist or therapist, psychiatrists are qualified to manage both the mental and physical aspects of mental health and mental illness, with more of an emphasis on managing medications to deal with symptoms.
This is no cure for mental illness.
What is FACT- while it is not usually “cured”, it can be effectively managed. Most people with mental illness diagnoses live productive and positive lives while receiving treatments for their mental illness.
This emotion is characterized by extreme uneasiness of your mind or a fear of some future event/situation. It can be helpful in small doses but can become a problem in larger amounts.
What is anxiety- an emotion that EVERYONE feels from time to time. Related words include: worried, nervous, fearful.
We know we feel anxious when:
- we have worried thoughts, usually about something bad happening
- our muscles feel tense
- our heartbeat and breathing get faster
- we start avoiding places, people, or things that make us feel anxious and uncomfortable
This is a way of treating yourself that involves understanding why you feel the way you do and rather than beating yourself up because you "shouldn't feel that way" or blaming others for your feelings, you talk to yourself in a way that shows understanding for your feelings.
What is self-compassion, or practicing being kind to yourself. Self-compassion involves allowing your feelings to be there, and meeting them with curiosity and validation. You really do several things when you are self-compassionate:
This is a major barrier to people seeking help to manage their mental health issues.
What is STIGMA. Stigma is a negative stereotype or judgement made by others. When people feel like others will judge them or think poorly of them for admitting they have a mental health problem or seeking help for that problem, they are less likely to get the support they need. Many people suffer in silence.