Mental Health Stigma
Mental Health in Adults
Positive Mental Health

This is the proportion of Americans who will experience a mental health disorder in a given year.

What is 1 in 5 Americans?


This is the most common mental health disorder.

What is anxiety?

Fact: Anxiety disorders affect approximately 40 million adults in the United States each year, which is about 19.1% of the population. Despite being highly treatable, only about 36.9% of those affected receive treatment. 


This is the recommended number of hours of sleep most adults need each night.

What is 7 to 9 hours?


True or False: medication is the only treatment method that works for mental health problems. 

What is False? Medication can be helpful, but therapy and counseling are also effective forms of overcoming mental illness. 


How many stripes are on the American Flag?

What is 13?


This percentage of people with mental illness experience stigma or are discriminated against because of it: 5% 20% 50% or 90%

What is 90%?

Stigma can be subtle or obvious, and it can lead to harm. 

For example, people with mental illness may avoid or delay treatment because they're afraid of being treated differently or losing their jobs.


This is the leading cause of death for people held in local jails.

What is Suicide?


This is a consequence of not getting enough sleep.

What is lack of concentration, being impatient, not motivated, tiredness, exhaustion?


These things can promote positive mental health.

What are exercise, adequate sleep, healthy eating, social connections, mindfulness, and seeking professional help when needed?


This month is Mental Health Awareness Month.

What is May?


This emotion often makes people with mental health disorders feel

What is shame, hopelessness, self-doubt, discrimination, or fear?


This is something you can do if you notice someone who needs help but isn't asking for it.

What is being a friend, talk with them, tell a family or be open about your own struggles, and provide resources?


List four examples of self-care people engage in

What is Journaling, Walking, Exercise, Eating Food, Music, Talking To People, Meditation, Deep Breathing, Good Sleep, Good Hygiene - Taking a Shower/Bath, Seeking Professional Support?


True or false: All stress is bad.

What is False? Some stress can be motivating and is a natural reaction your body has to certain events. It can sometimes give us an "extra push". When stress becomes too much to handle, that might be an indication to start making some positive mental health changes


How many stars are on the American Flag?

What is 50?


This country has the highest rate of mental health disorders in the world?

What is the U.S.?


This is a mental and physical reaction to perceived threats. In small doses it can be helpful. It can protect us from danger, and focus our attention on problems. However, when it is too severe, or occurs too frequently, it can be harmful

What is Stress?


The practice of focusing the mind to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.

What is meditation?


A person who is physically sick goes to see a doctor of medicine, a person who is mentally sick goes to see a ____?

What is a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or counselor?


This is the mental health center for students enrolled at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) open during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm) in Bayramian Hall, 5th floor, room 520.

What is UCS? University Counseling Services



This percentage of people with mental health issues won't seek help due to stigma surrounding mental health: 5% 20% 60% or 90%

What is 60%? For fear of being labeled


This mental health disorder is the leading cause of disability worldwide.

What is Major Depressive Disorder or Depression?


This vitamin, which we can get from the sun, helps you maintain bone strength, fight diseases and cancer, lose weight, and stay happy.

What is Vitamin D?


Positive thinkers and those who are able to adapt to stress and changes of life have a strong level of _____.

What is resilience?


What were chainsaw invented for?

What is to assist with child birth?

The chainsaw was originally invented in the late 18th century to help with difficult childbirths, specifically to perform a procedure called symphysiotomy, where cartilage and bone were cut to widen the pelvic area when babies were too large to pass through the birth canal.
