A delusional state characterized by thoughts or experiences out of touch with reality
what are symptoms of ADHD?
difficulty focusing, forgetfulness, problem paying attention or short attention span, hyperactivity, fidgeting, etc.
what is Michael Myers
This daytime talk show host and voice of an animated forgetful fish has opened up about her struggles with depression
What is Ellen DeGeneres
Symptoms: blushing, sweating, nausea, intense fear of embarrassment in social settings
Social Anxiety
Extreme mood swings from depression to mania
Bipolar Disorder
A sudden, overpowering fright response or feeling of terror for no known reason is an example of this.
what is Panic attack
riddle: You give someone a dollar. You are this person's brother, but the person is not your brother. How can that be?
The two levels of anxiety
Neurosis and psychosis
Neurosis is a mild mental disorder –it can occur from stress, depression, or anxiety. Psychosis is a major personality disorder characterized by mental and emotional disruptions. It is much more severe than neurosis – often impairing and debilitating the affected individual.
Symptoms: Reoccurring nightmares, unwanted memories, flashbacks, heightened reactions, depressed mood
Constant thoughts or fears that cause people to follow certain routines or patterns
OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)
Medication and therapy are the most successful tools in dealing with mental health challenges. (true/false)
David's father has three sons : Snap, Crackle and _____ ?
what is David
This classical composer was diagnosed with a serious case of Bipolar disorder - which is characterized by periods of extreme highs and extreme lows.
What is Beethoven
Symptoms: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized behavior
A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, lasting at least 1 week (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary.)
what is Manic episode
Expressing good things from your day is a coping strategy known as ________
What is expressing Gratitude
finish the lyrics :
Abuela, get the umbrellas. Married in a hurricane. What a joyous day... but anyway
what is we dont talk about bruno no no no
Depressive state due to less light exposure, particularly during cold seasons
Seasonal Effective Disorder
Symptoms: sadness, loss of interest, suicidal thoughts, changes in regular patterns
People have an intense fear of weight-gain, can become dangerously thin
Anorexia Nervosa
Changes require us to A______ and A_______.
Experiencing too many changes within a brief period of time often creates the idea that we aren't in control of events
what is Adjust and Adapt
Whats Chantel's and Alyssa's Last name ?
What is chantel Rosado and Alyssa Moya
To cause an intense and negative emotional reaction is called ?
what is a Trigger
Symptoms: manic episodes, loss of reality, depressive episodes, loss of interest, suicidal thoughts
Bipolar Disorder