Recognizing Disease
Effective Nursing
Misc 1
Misc 2

Making a contract with a patient to help avoid future bad behavior which has been a recent problem is useful for a patient with this type of condition

What is conduct disorder?


True or false: Patients with PTSD will have paranoid or grandiose delusions.

False: PTSD patients will demonstrate re-living traumatic events in the form of flashbacks, dreams, memories, or frightening, intrusive thoughts. 


When treating a patient with Alzheimer's the nurse should do this to minimize confusion when teaching difficult tasks

What is educate the patient on tasks one step at a time?


True or false: Short attention span and consistent limit testing are both commonly seen in Austism

False: Short attention span is common in ADHD and limit testing is seen in oppositional defiant disorder


When dealing with a histrionic patient the nurse should take this approach

What is promoting appropriate behavior? 

  • Managing the client's behavior within the group is the priority intervention for the client who has histrionic personality disorder because these clients display extreme attention-seeking behaviors and are often impulsive, which can be extremely disruptive in a group setting with other members.


PTSD patients benefit from this complementary therapy to help treat anxiety associated with post-traumatic stress

What is guided imagery?


A patient with this condition should be placed close to the nurses station in order to be redirected to their room when wandering before they enter another patient's room

What is Alzheimer's or delerium?


This adaptive response involves disruption of physical responses by distracting themselves with an unrelated activity. For example, a patient with PTSD may play loud classical music during the 4th of July to distract themselves from the stress of fireworks. 

What is dissociation?


Agoraphobia is defined as the fear of

What is being outside of their home? 

True or false: "Tell me what is concerning you" is an effective form of therapeutic communication when dealing with an emotional patient

True: This therapeutic response uses the communication tool of clarification. This response encourages further communication and expression of feelings. 


True or false: it is appropriate for a nurse to aid a patient with their ADLs who is suffering from MDD

True: It can help jump start the patient for the day and demonstrates caring. Allowing the patient to remain in bed is not appropriate


Recognizing that one is powerless against their addiction is a tenet of this 12 step program

What is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)?

A patient who will not perform ADLs without first consulting with a nurse is displaying this 

What is dependency?


A family member is showing signs of care fatigue when taking care of his demented wife. What is an example of therapeutic comments the nurse can make?

Ask the partner to talk about his difficulties in caring for the client.

Avoid: offering advice, asking why, and downplaying what they are experiencing

Inability to perform common tasks and difficulty talking or reading are manifestations in the moderate state of this disease

What is Alzheimer's?


A patient with MDD (Major depressive disorder) has the greatest risk for this safety concern compared to other mood disorders

What is suicide?


A patient with this disease may constantly pick up after others in the day room to help themselves decrease their own anxiety to a tolerable level

What is OCD?


True or false: a nurse should not allow a patient with OCD to perform time consuming rituals

False: OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent patterns of behavior a client feels driven to perform. This behavior can be a physical action or a mental act that is aimed at neutralizing anxiety or distress. In the initial phase of treatment, the nurse should allow adequate time for the client to perform rituals to help the client handle anxiety. 


All or nothing thinking is an example of this

What is cognitive distortion?

Example: I've had one glass of wine, I may as well drink this bottle of vodka


This is the highest priority for safety when caring for a patient who is showing signs of severe serotonin syndrome

What is preparing to assist with artificial ventilation?


This type of therapy has been shown to be effective in treating vegetative depression

What is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?


Managing withdrawal symptoms takes the highest priority when withdrawing from this substance

What is alcohol withdrawal?


This examination consists of appearance, behavior, speech, mood, disorders of the form of thought, perceptual disturbances, cognition, and ideas of harming self or others. 

What is a mental status examination (MSE)?

The mental status examination (MSE) is a component of all medical exams and may be viewed as the psychological equivalent of the physical exam. It is especially important in neurologic and psychiatric evaluations.


Name signs of eating disorders

What are: amenorrhea, Altered body image, Hyperactivity, Bradycardia, Hypotension, dental decay, cuts on knuckles, fine body hair, skipping meals


True or false: A nurse standing up for themselves when a patient with borderline personality disorder berates them is inappropriate 

False: BPD is described as an emotionally unstable personality. Clients who have BPD might show a wide range of impulsive behaviors in all aspects of their lives, including self-destructive behaviors. The client in this situation has overstepped a limit by addressing the nurse in a less-than-respectful tone of voice. This therapeutic response calls to the client's attention the inappropriate behavior and sets appropriate limits for further communication. This is the best approach to continue communication with this client. 
