Cluster A personality Disorders
Cluster B Personality Disorders

Name the disorders in Cluster A

Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal


What disorders are in cluster B?

Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic and Narcissistic 


What is Schiziod?

Emotional detachment, disinterest in close relationships and indifference to praise criticism, often uncooperative 


What describes disorders in Cluster B?

dramatic, emotional, or erratic traits 


What describes the types of disorders in cluster A?

Odd or eccentric traits


Define undoing defense mechanism

Avoid shame but not apologetic. 

"You're so annoying. Your shoes are nice."


Do people with Schizotypal have a major disturbance in thought like psychosis?



What are other diagnosis that someone in cluster B may have?

Substance abuse and depression 


What could cause Paranoid disorder?

Childhood trauma or neglect


Define Antisocial disorder 

disregard for others with exploitation, lack of empathy, repeated unlawful actions, deceit, failure to accept personal responsibility; evidence of conduct disorder before age 15. Sense of entitlement, manipulative, impulsive, and seductive behavior, nonadhearence to traditional morals and values; verbally charming 


What is Paranoid disorder?

Distrust and suspiciousness toward others based on unfounded beliefs that other want to harm, exploit or deceive the person 


What is Borderline disorder?

 Inability to affect, identity and relationships as well as splitting behaviors("the last nurse sucked, but you are the best"), manipulation, impulsiveness, and fear of abandonment. Often self-injurious and potentially suicidal. Ideas of reference are common. Accompanied by impulsivity.


What will you see in Paranoid disorder?

Constantly on guard, hyper vigilant, ready for any real or imagined threat, trusts no-one and constantly test the honesty of others 

-Risk for Violence towards others related to suspicious thoughts 

***Anticipated humiliation and betrayal make the client learn to attack first by criticizing care or getting along with others 


What is Histrionic?

Emotional, attention seeking behavior, the person needs to be the center of attention,. Often seductive and flirtatious...Prostitution 


Things you see in a person who has Schizoid 

Shy, anxious or uneasy in presence of others, no close friends and choose to be alone. Cold, aloof(not friendly) and indifferent to others. Prefer to work in isolation and are unsociable.

-Able to invest enormous affective energy in intellectual pursuits 


What is Narcissistic disorder?

ARROGANCE, grandiose, views of self importance, the need for consistent admiration, lack of empathy for others that strains most relationships, often sensitive to criticism 


What is Schizotypal?

ODD beliefs leading to interpersonal difficulties, an eccentric appearance and magical thinking or perceptual distortions that are not clear delusions or hallucinations 


What are some characteristics of Narcissistic disorder?

Exploits others in an effort to fulfill own desires, mood is grandiose, optimistic, relaxed, cheerful and carefree. 

Believes they are entitled to special rights and privileges 

***Criticism or not getting their way from others may cause them to respond with rage, shame, dejection (sad) and humiliation 


What are some things you will see in a person with Schizotypal?

Bizarre speech patterns, ideas of reference, illusions, depersonalization, superstitious withdrawal into self, belief that "others can feel my feelings", aloof (not friendly)
