Personality Disorders
Dissociative and Somatic Symptom Disorders
Impulse Control Disorders
Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia
The difference between schizoid and avoidant personality disorders

What is people with schizoid do not fear rejection, whereas those with avoidant do


Foods to avoid with Phenelzine

What are aged cheese, pickled/fermented/smoked foods, soy, yeast, alcohol, avocados, overripe bananas, figs, lunch meats


This disorder is characterized by real, but idiopathic, somatic symptoms

What is somatic symptom disorder


The predictor of conduct disorder in childhood progressing into antisocial personality disorder in adulthood 

What is callousness (lack of empathy and lack of concern for others' feelings)


This takes priority for a patient in acute mania

What is the patient's physical needs (water, food, rest)

One of the hallmark signs of antisocial personality disorder

What is callousness or profound lack of empathy


Patient education for lithium

What includes drinking 1500-3000 ml/day of fluid, maintaining consistent sodium intake (low sodium=higher lithium level), may gain 5 pounds in first week, stop taking if excessive diarrhea, sweating, vomiting, take with food


How individuals with conversion disorder respond to their physical symptoms

What is the la belle indifference


The kind of environment that is linked to the development of impulse control disorders

What is chaotic and punitive environments

The treatment for acute dystonia

What includes maintaining airway, giving antiparkinson drug, giving Benadryl, staying with the patient


Conduct disorder in childhood can manifest as this in adulthood

What is antisocial personality disorder


The signs of lithium toxicity that will be experienced with a lithium level of 1.7

What are GI upset, COARSE hand tremors, confusion, muscle hyperirritability, EKG changes, sedation, incoordination


How the patient's functional ability with dissociative fugue differs from that in an amnesic state

What is the patient is able to still function adequately in dissociative fugue, but the patient with amnesia is more dysfunctional


The 3 most important nursing interventions for impulse control disorders

What are promoting safety, establishing rapport, and limit setting

The interventions for a delusion

What include having the patient describe their belief, convey doubt in an empathetic manner, validate correct parts of the delusion, focus on the feelings or theme behind the belief, refocus on reality based topics


This is a prominent feature in borderline personality disorder

What is self-destructive behaviors


Three different meds that could be ordered for a patient experiencing hallucinations, anhedonia, disorganized speech

What are second generation antipsychotics (Aripiprazole, clozapine, lurasidone, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone, etc)


The difference between somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder

What is the symptoms are authentic and debilitating with somatic symptom disorder, whereas with illness anxiety disorder the symptoms are mild or absent


The adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that may contribute to the development of impulse control disorders

What are family distress, inadequate parenting, attachment problems, marriage conflict, low socioeconomic status, larger families


The side effects of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

What are confusion, disorientation, retrograde amnesia


People with narcissistic personality disorder use arrogance to cover up a sense of what

What is intense shame and fear of abandonment

The complication of a psych med that this patient is expeirencing:

HR 130, temp 101, BP 153/89, delirium, diarrhea, abdominal bloating

What is serotonin syndrome

Describe the awareness of the alternate personalities in dissociative identity disorder

What is the primary personality is unaware of the alters, but the alters may be aware of one another


List the 2 main differences between oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder

What is conduct disorder is more severe, including aggression toward people/animals, destruction of property, stealing, deceit; 

OOD includes emotional dysregulation (anger and irritability)


The type of delusion when the patient believes that Alexa is playing certain songs to send her a message

What is referential delusion
