What's the difference between self-concept and self-esteem?
Self-concept is how you view yourself.
Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself.
What does the amygdala do?
Controls our emotions/stress-response
What do your heart and lungs do in a high stress situation?
1. Heart beats faster
2. Breathing speeds up and deepens
What is acrophobia?
Fear of heights
How many hours of sleep do teens need per night? How early should you start winding down?
8-10 hours of sleep
1-2 hours before bed start winding down
What does it mean to be resilient?
To be able to recover from problems or loss.
To bounce back from problems.
To deal with your feelings and then move on.
Answers may vary.
What does the prefrontal cortex do?
Helps us make smart decisions
What do your stomach and intestines do in a high stress situation?
Slow down
What are 2 warning signs of suicide?
Giving away belongings, hopeless/negative posts online, feeling hopeless or worthless, losing interest in normal activities, lacking attention to personal appearance, talking about suicide or death, spending less time with friends and family, self-destructive behaviors, becoming suddenly cheerful after a long period of depression
Who can you see if you need help with mental heath issues?
Therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, clinical social worker, etc.
What is anxiety?
A feeling of worry or dread.
The amygdala shuts off and the prefrontal cortex takes over.
What do your muscles do in a high stress situation?
Tighten/tense up
What are the 3 parts of building a wind-down routine?
Heart rate increase, shaky, sweaty, flushed, breathing quickens and deepens, headache, etc.
What is a phobia? (Name 2 phobias for an extra 100 points)
An intense and irrational fear.
What is the correct term for when your amygdala takes over and your prefrontal cortex shuts off?
E_________ D__________
Emotionally Dysregulated
What are the 2 things your brain does in a high stress situation?
1. Detects the source of stress
2. Signals the adrenal glands to send adrenaline through the body
Are women more emotional than men? Explain.
No women are not more emotional than men. However, it may seem that way because men are socialized to hide their emotions, so they usually don't show them as often. But men and women experience the same emotional fluctuations.
Pick one of the words/phrases to define: biological basis, socialized, dispel, fluctuations.
Dispel - To get rid of/disappear
Fluctuations - Ups and downs/changes
What are 3 ways you can get your prefrontal cortex back in control if you're experincing a strong emotion?
Pick two of the following organs: brain, heart, lungs, muscles, stomach/intestines and think about what happens to them in a high stress situation. Then, explain why does that happen?
Brain- Lets organs know it's time for fight/flight, adrenaline helps body with fight/flight
Heart- Sends more blood out to organs
Lungs- Sends more oxygen out to organs
Muscles- Preparing to fight/flight
Stomach/Intestines- More energy can go to other organs
Name 3 mental health disorders and briefly explain them.
Answers will vary.
Explain the spectrum of resilience. What does it mean to not be resilient at all? What does it mean to be too resilient?
Not being resilient at all means you let your problems take over, you don't do anything to try and make yourself feel better
Being too resilient is acting like nothing affects you and not dealing with your emotions/ignoring them