Running a Course
Instructor Guidelines

The length of time you have to submit attendance in Connect after a course.

What is 48 hours from the time the course is scheduled to end?


The number of courses an instructor needs to teach each year to maintain certification. 

What is 3 courses? (at least 1 of each sub-type)

True or False: Unenroll a learner from your course by going to your course, enrollments, participant name, three orange dots, click unenroll. 

What is False? BONUS (100 pts): Where do you actually go?


Mr. Cheung's cat's name. 

What is Oscar?


The MHFA course is valued at this amount.

What is $170 per learner?

The number of emails a learner could receive with their pre-work deadline. 
What is 6? (Connect setup email, up to 4 pre-work reminder emails, extension email)

The minimum and maximum number of learners in a course for it to count. 

What are 5 and 30?


The percentage a learner will be at after they have completed modules 1-4 in Connect. 

What is 31%?


The side you put a pregnant person on for the recovery position.

What is left?


The safety measures we put in place for each course (at least 3).

What are collect contact information, have a VH, collect exit tickets, and provide 988 resource at beginning of course?


The maximum length of time allowed between 2 MHFA sessions.

What is 2 weeks?


True or False: If an in-person course has 25 participants, there must be a 2nd instructor. 

What is False? (In-person courses have no requirement for a 2nd instructor)


Which of the following happen if you create your own Connect course on accident: (A) Nothing bad happens. (B) You will have to create your user accounts. (C) You will have to add users to your course. (D) Both B and C.

What is C?


The name of the video we give a content warning for.

What is Boxing Part 2?

The founders of Mental Health First Aid.

Who are Tony and Betty Jorm?


The tasks that I1 must make sure are complete the day before the course.

What are the welcome email, the participant list, the PEARS program activity, the demographics survey (placed in vh notes and instructor notes), the Zoom link, (and VH reminders if not already sent ahead of time)?


True or False: When teaching 6 participants in an online course, it is okay to forego the virtual hallway role. 

What is False? (all online classes must have a VH). BONUS (100 pts): What 3 kinds of people can act as VH?


This is how you access the request assistance form. 

What is go to resources and find request assistance form (can sort by category request forms)?


The name of one piece of artwork presented in the PPT. (50 bonus pts. for each additional named artwork). 

My Inner Scream, Agios Tree, Daisy in May, In Amongst the Ashes, First Impression, To Be or Not To Be, I Am More


The number of First Aiders in the world.

What is 6 million. (Bonus (100 pts) how many are there in the U.S.?) (Bonus (200 pts) how many are in Michigan?)


According to the instructor guidelines, the ideal timeframe for when a learner should be registered for a course.  

What is 2 weeks? (less than 5 days can limit fidelity)

The number of participants a single instructor can teach in an online class. 

What is 15?


This is where a course ID is located. 

What are the last 7 digits of the URL of the link after you click on your course from the course list?


The main signs and symptoms for the Valerie scenario (at least 3). 

What are not eating, lost weight, complains of work stress, nightmares, trouble sleeping, talks of past trauma?


The 2 organizations that manage, operate, and disseminate MHFA USA other than the National Council for Mental Wellbeing (formerly the National Council for Behavioral Health).

What are the Missouri Department of Mental Health and the Mental Health Association of Maryland?
