Define Social / Peer Health
Our ability to interact and form meaningful relationships with others including our peers.
If you feel sad or depressed what's something you can do to support your mental health?
exercise, talk to someone, take yourself on a date, volunteer
regular exercise "being in shape", eating healthy foods and making healthy choices at restaurants, Having good hygeine.
What areas of health does yoga class suppport?
Physical, Mental, Social
What is Peer Pressure
Is when our friends or peers pressure you into doing something you're uncomfortable with;
such as shoplifting, doing drugs, drinking, taking dangerous risks, stealing a car, or other risky behaviours
How can you improve your social health?
Make connections with friends, go into public places and interact, make new friends.
How could you support a friend who is in a depressive state.
offer to LISTEN, talk with them, help them find some resources to help themselves, include them in your plans
Why should you be physically active?
Because you can avoid heart disease, maintain healthy weight, support mental and social health
Which pose is a BALANCE pose? answer or show
Tree pose
Does Peer Pressure only happen within Indigenous Children lives.
Yes It is common amongst any children from any race.
True or False
Mental Health and Social Health are the Same thing
False- Although Social Health impacts our overall Mental Wellbeing the two are completly different
What areas of the body are affected by mental health?
The whole body
What does physical health do for your mental and social health?
Helps keep your mind balanced boosts confidence
Which POSE is a strengthening pose and incorporates every muscle group?
Pyramid or Triangle
Is all Peer Pressure Bad
No Positive Peer Pressure includes having the people involved participate in healthy fun activities.
What are some signs of bad social / Peer health?
Little to no friends, trouble being in public situations, Hates crowded situations, Has Major anxiety issues in social situations, lack of confidence
How does STRESS effect your mental health?
Creates anxiety, Depression, can cause isolation.
What are signs of good physical health?
Endurance, looking good, uplifting others, happy
True or false - Yoga was invented within the past 10 years
False- Yoga has been around longer then your teacher.
Can Peer Pressure Include being a support system
Yes- Peer Pressure can be used as a persons support system.
What are some things that can be affected by poor Social / Peer health?
Relationships, bank account, friendships, confidence, JOBS,
How can your mental/emotional health effect your physical and social health?
If it's good, it can support those areas of health. If it's bad it can cause Isolation socially, physical illness, high blood pressure,
What are ways you can MEASURE physical health?
Weight, strength, BMI, heart rate, endurance, the sniff test
Is yoga a form of mediation
Yes Yoga requires the participant to use thier deep breathing techniques
Can Peer Pressure only happen during our youth
No Peer Presssure can happen throughout all of our lives. It is especially important to pick your friends wisely. Ones who have common beliefs, interests, and enjoy doing similar activites.