Mental Health Recovery
Psychotic and Mood Disorders
Substance Use and Personality Disorders
Psychology Interventions and Programs
De-escalation Techniques

True or False. All BOP employees, regardless of their job description, must consider the safety and security of the institution.

What is true


The number of care levels used in the BOP to identify adults in custody who may need enhanced mental health services.

What is four


The percent of the BOP population that is impacted by substance use disorders: 20%, 40%, or 80%

What is 40%


PTP is the acronym for these programs that are offered by Psychology Services to address the treatment needs of persons with mental illness.

What are Psychology Treatment Programs


True or false. Interventions that target emotional regulation and use positive motivational tools are effective in de-escalating persons whose behaviors have escalated and who are agitated or distressed. 

What is true


When we improve the ______ ______ of the adults in our custody, we make the prison a safer place to work.

What is mental health


Persons who are exposed to or witness a traumatic event involving actual or threatened death, serious injury, or violence might experience these symptoms of trauma-related disorder.

What is intense distress, irritability, avoidance, hypervigilance, persistent negative emotional state, dissociation, and/or reckless or self-destructive behavior.


These can develop within a few hours of decreasing/discontinuing alcohol use and peak within 24-36 hours after abstinence begins.

Double points for naming two examples.

What are alcohol withdrawal symptoms

Trembling/shaking, sweating, palpitations, confusion, GI distress, irritability, insomnia 


Token economies in residential treatment programs are based on the operant conditioning principle of contingency, which increases the likelihood a person will repeat a desired behavior when this is provided in response to the behavior.

What is reinforcement


This communication includes facial expressions, body postures, and the way you listen to someone.

What is non-verbal communication


These are two factors that influence a person's mental health.

What are...

Stress/exposure to stressful environments; Physical health problems; Trauma; Substance abuse; Family history and physiological development, Developmental delays, and; Traumatic brain injury


Psychotic disorders are characterized by a disturbance of thought. This is the most common psychotic disorder and these are two of its symptoms.


Hallucinations, delusions, thought disorganization, behavioral disorganization, negative symptoms


These two personality disorders are experienced with the most frequency among adults in custody in the BOP and are also the cause of most disruptive behavior episodes.

What are borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder


Psychology Services does not support the use of writing these for self-directed violence in an attempt of suicide.

What are incident reports


Rather than problem-solving or advice-giving, simply doing this is the most valuable thing you can do when communicating, especially when you do it actively.

What is listening


Misconceptions about mental illness, such as -- persons with mental illness are dangerous, mental illness is a sign of weakness, and therapy is a waste of time and doesn't work -- can lead to harm and discrimination. These negative and/or unfair beliefs held by society are also referred to as ______ and often come from a lack of understanding or fear.

What is stigma


Common symptoms of this mood disorder are sadness, irritability, worthlessness, withdrawal, change in sleep and appetite, and thoughts of death.

What is depression, or major depressive disorder


Persons with borderline personality disorder may engage in self-directed violence. All threats of self-directed violence and suicide must always be taken seriously to decrease the risk of a_________ d____.

What is accidental death


These are three healthy things we can encourage adults in our custody to do to promote positive mental health.

What are get up in the morning, go to meals, participate in recreational activities, exercise, get a job, take an education class, go to a religious service, take a psychology program, attend medical appointments, call family, write a friend, make a positive release plan.


When we reassure a person that help is available and things can get better, we provide them this.

What is hope


This is defined as a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential.

What is recovery


Persons with this disorder may experience depressive episodes and also experience episodes when they appear euphoric or hyperirritable, sleep little, talk quickly and excessively, and are socially intrusive and inappropriate.

What is bipolar disorder

"The rules apply to other people, not me," "My needs are more important than yours," and "I want it now," are common beliefs for persons with this disorder.      An appropriate intervention is to set clear boundaries and be f___, f___, and c_________.

What is antisocial personality disorder, and

What is firm, fair, and consistent


These are two of the Psychology Services EBRR and PA programs offered at FMC Rochester.

What are Basic Cognitive Skills, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Criminal Thinking, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Emotional Regulation, Illness Management and Recovery, Social Skills for Schizophrenia, Seeking Safety, Traumatic Stress & Resilience, Non Residential Drug Abuse Program, Wellness Recovery Action Plan.


It is imperative you ___'_ debate, express shock or outrage, give advice, underestimate suicide risk, or use more force than necessary when engaged in de-escalation. Double points for naming two do's of de-escalation.

What is don't

What are remain calm and relaxed, listen to feelings, try to understand experiences, ask questions, encourage, and maintain direct observation if a person alludes to suicide, self-harm, or harm to another.
