Mental Illness
Supporting a Friend

Name two things you could say if you called a helpline.

I’m having a hard time; I need to talk to somebody; Today was tough; I’m not sure what to say; I need help; I need someone to listen, Hello... etc.


Name one resource that may be helpful if someone is experiencing depression.

Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba and the Canadian Mental Health Association; School counsellors, Teen Clinic, support groups, nursing station, mental health workers, Klinic Community Health (Winnipeg), Phone Lines, Child and Youth Community Mental Health (Brandon)


How is physical health connected with our mental health?

All areas of our health interconnect. Striving for balance and wellness means paying attention to all aspects of our health. (This includes sexual health too!); When we are stressed, there is an impact on our physical body too such as breathing, heart rate, hungry, sleep etc.


It is okay to ask a friend if they are having a hard time. Name two reasons why.

It shows that we care; that we noticed and are concerned; mLet them know that they are not alone; may break the isolation; Allows the person to talk about what is going on which can be a step to getting help


If we hear gossip or someone negatively talking about mental health, what can we do?

Say something like...: “What you’re saying is not helpful”; “Everyone has mental health so making fun of it hurts us all”; “If what you’re saying is true it sounds like they need our support not judgement.”


How can talking about a hard time be helpful? Give two reasons.

Process what’s going on: share your feelings, work out what’s bothering you and explore what you can do about it: Feel better; Don’t feel alone; Feel cared for;  Create a connection between people


Name a reason for each: Why would a person want a mental health diagnosis? Why would a person not want a mental health diagnosis?

May make it easier to access info, resources, treatment and connect with other people; Don’t want the label or the treatment, stigma; We get to decide for ourselves whether we seek out a diagnosis. Either way, we deserve to be treated with respect.


Why is it important to make time for ourselves and have fun?

Self-care is important because it: Gives us a break so we can reenergize; Helps us cope when times are harder; Releases endorphins (happy hormones); Reduces stress; Feels good; Can help us have more energy to be helpful to others


When supporting a friend, it is important to be non-judgmental and listen to them. Give two reasons why.

It builds connection; It creates safety; Makes it more likely the friend will ask for help in the future; It’s respectful


If learning a wellness practice from a culture that is not our own, how do we do that respectfully?

Research which culture it is originally from and the history of its use; If possible, learn from the people and culture who created it; Try to use it as close to its original meaning and purpose as possible; Acknowledge where it comes from when using it; Do not claim it as your own or try to make money or profit from its use


Demonstrate Balloon Breathing or Robot/Ragdoll and explain when you would use it?

Anytime! Breathing deeply is a helpful way to start the day, keep us feeling good, calm us down or help us feel better and relax throughout the day or night. The Robot/Ragdoll can relieve tension in the body.


Name three things you should ask a pharmacist or doctor when getting prescribed medication for a mental illness.

What are the side effects?; Why am I taking this; Are there any alternatives to taking this medication?; Is this the lowest dose I can take for it to be effective?; What are the expected results?; If I take drugs/alcohol or another medication while on this prescription, what will happen?; How long should I take it?; Will it make my birth control pill less effective?; What should I do if I miss a dose; How often should I take it?; What time of the day should I take this?


What are 4 natural ways of healing that Indigenous knowledge teaches us?

Talking; Laughing; Crying; Shaking; Yawing; Sweating; Yelling


Why may a support group be helpful?

To get information; To not be alone and have a sense of belonging; Gives people a chance to share their experiences of struggle and recovery which may help people learn to cope better; Might give someone a sense of purpose or something to do; (They are often free. Contact local health centres, community associations or the nursing station to find out what groups are running in your area). (FYI: Support groups exist for a variety of topics and are easy to join. They usually are run by groups of people dealing with a particular topic who sit together for aperiod and share their experiences.)


Experiencing discrimination can be stressful and impact our wellbeing. What are some ways to take care of ourselves and others who are dealing with discrimination?

Remember it’s not their/our fault. It is the system of oppression or the person using discrimination who needs to change: Finding someone who has experienced the same type of discrimination can be helpful to connect with and learn from; Having fun and doing wellness activities is extra important; Expression is powerful, helps us deal with our feelings, create connection, and can make positive changes in the world; Connect with and undertake community care. Caring for others builds inner strength and connection. Community can both refill our energy, inspire us, and make us not feel alone.


It is helpful to have a mix of different ways to cope during hard times. Some things should distract us, some things should allow us to reflect on our problem. Why?

Distractions give us a break from hard times. We need breaks to refuel our energy/spirit/mind. Some examples include hanging out with friends, video games, Netflix etc.; Reflective activities give us time to think about what is going on. We need time to process our thoughts and feelings as part of moving through them. Some examples include talking, journaling, making art etc.; If we only ever distract ourselves, it is harder to work through a problem, but if we only ever think about a problem, it can be really draining. We need a mix to bring balance.


How are people with schizophrenia usually shown on T.V., in the news or in movies? And what is the problem with that?

Violent, dangerous, low IQ, multiple personalities. Stigma: it reinforces these false ideas and makes it harder for anyone dealing with schizophrenia to get help.


Give one example of setting a healthy boundary and explain why boundaries are important.

Letting our parents/caregivers know when we need transition time: Asking people to stop distracting us when we are busy; Letting friends know when we won’t be available; Telling romantic partners how much affection we want or don’t want; Helps us meet our own needs, helps develop our identity and independence, helps build healthy relationships, is respectful to others and enables us to use our energy in good ways to take care of ourselves and enables us to be more supportive to others.


How can we support a friend who is having a hard time but who has also made it clear they don’t want to talk.

• Let them know that’s ok, but you’re there if they ever need to; Share food; Have fun together, laughter and distractions can help give someone a break from their hard time; Share resources like phone lines; Check-in occasionally


Why is it important to take care of yourself while supporting other people? Give me an example of what this might look like.

Supporting someone else is hard so we need to ensure we are taking care of our well-being so that we have the capacity to offer others; Talking to our own support systems (friends, family, counsellors, phone lines etc.); Doing things that bring us joy (hobbies, sports, art, food etc.); Setting healthy boundaries with the person we are supporting. This makes sure we are there for them, but in a way that lets us also take care of ourselves.
