Time to Define
Myth or Fact?
Face Your Feelings
What Are You Thinking?
Can You Cope?

This feeling can cause you to become worried, nervous, or afraid and can cause physical symptoms like heart pounding, difficulty breathing and nausea, with or without a trigger.

What is Anxiety?


Stress can motivate you.

What is Fact?

Stress can help us stay motivated, or is the body's way of communicating to you that something needs to be addressed. If we are feeling stressed, we need to listen to our minds and bodies to see what we can do to help.


This term means feeling WITH people. It includes perspective taking (ability to take the perspective of another person or recognize their perspective as their truth), staying out of judgment, recognizing emotion in other people, and then reflecting it back to them.

What is Empathy?


A string of thoughts that move through your mind quickly and at times seem to bounce from one topic to the next, and feel difficult to control or slow down.

What is Racing Thoughts?


Focusing on the present moment, and being aware of your body and your current environment without thinking into the future or the past.

What is Mindfulness/Grounding?


This often creates symptoms ranging from loneliness, fatigue, sadness, and/or numbness, and can cause a person to isolate from others that they care about.

What is Depression?


Someone experiencing a mental health challenge may experience school issues, unable to find and keep a job, may have trouble forming healthy relationships with others, and may be more likely to use substances or engage in risky behaviors.

What is Fact?


An uncomfortable emotion that helps us avoid a situation or person that could be dangerous.

What is Fear?


A type of thought pattern where you consciously think through and consider what makes the most sense based on the evidence you are given, without taking emotions into consideration.

What is Rational/Logical Thinking?


The act of saying something comforting or uplifting to yourself, through writing or speech.

What is Positive Affirmations/Positive Self-Talk?


Becoming dependent on substances to alter the way you feel, usually in an attempt to experience a decrease in uncomfortable feelings, an increase in comfortable feelings, or a numbing of feelings.

What is Chemical Addiction/Substance Use?


I can't do anything for a person with a mental health challenge.

What is Myth?

Friends and loved ones can be important influences to help someone get the treatment and services they need by:

1. Reaching out and letting them know you are available to help.

2. Helping them access mental health services.

3. Help them learn self-care and coping techniques.


An experience causing feelings of dread, heart pounding, sweating, fear, difficulty breathing, and/or dizziness that can occur due to a specific trigger or be spontaneous.

What is a Panic Attack?


A type of thought that occurs spontaneously without your conscious decision or intent that often presents as upsetting or confusing.

What is Intrusive Thoughts?


The act of intentionally exerting effort in an attempt to build physical strength or expend excess energy.

What is Exercise?


An experience of being detached from reality, associated with a feeling of not being one's self or not feeling connected to one's environment.

What is Dissociation?


My problems are too small or too big. No one really cares about me.

What is Myth?

Your feelings matter. We are here to listen and help you. Identify one person in your support system who you can speak with when feeling stressed or experiencing a mental health challenge.


A response to danger that causes someone to either react to the situation or flee the danger.

What is Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn?


An unhelpful thought pattern that revolves around self-criticism including putting yourself down and making unfair judgements about yourself.

What is Negative Self-Talk?


An activity that includes mindful postures, breathing techniques, cleansing the body-mind, chanting of mantras, and meditation.

What is Yoga?


A list of coping skills, safe spaces, phone numbers of trusted agencies or people, and a person's trusted support system written out to be used in moments of distress or crisis.

What is a Safety Plan?


Talking about suicide will put ideas into people’s heads and increase the chance of them doing it.

What is Myth?

You are NOT giving them the idea by asking about suicide. By asking the question, you give them the opportunity to talk about some scary thoughts.


All emotions serve a purpose. This emotion comes up when we do something that hurts another person's feelings, which can then cause us to feel flawed.

What is Shame/Embarrassment?

Though we may feel flawed when we hurt others, Shame/Embarrassment is meant to prompt us to mend our connections with others, not punish us.


A type of thought pattern often related to anxiety that causes a person to overthink scenarios in a very negative light and assuming the worst will happen.

What is Catastrophizing?


The act of intentionally being in silence to find a moment of peace by breathing slowly and passively allowing your thoughts to flow without judgement or attachment.

What is Meditation?
