Substance Use
Consequences of Substance Use
Healthy and unhealthy coping skills
Wild Card

Name three things you can do if you are experiencing a craving

Go for a walk, play video games, talk to a friend, do something creative, play with a pet, watch an engaging TV show/movie, eat or sleep (not in excess)


Who are those affected by substance abuse? Name three

1) The user 2) Family 3) Children 4) Co-workers 5) Parents 6) Siblings 7) Friends 8) Community


Name two healthy coping skills


-listening to music

-taking a walk 

-deep breathing 


-talking to someone ............


Name three reasons why someone may use substances and three reasons why someone may be against using substances

Reasons for use: Stress, experimenting, curious, peer pressure, for fun, relieve pain, cure bordeom

Reasons against use: Fear of side effects and risks, pregnant, no access, other things they want to do, religion, family rules, family history of addiction


What is a feeling of responsibility, remorse, or sadness is caused by doing something that you know is wrong, harmful, or unhealthy.



Name three criteria for having an addiction

Uncontrollable craving for the drug - Failure to reduce/cut back use -Use despite negative consequences - Development of withdrawal symptoms - Tolerance - Use when physically dangerous (driving) - Giving up school/work/social activities because of use


1) Lowered inhibitions 2) Decreased control over motor skills 3) Inability to concentrate and focus 4) Addiction 5) Heart attack; stroke 6) Liver failure; cirrhosis 7) Kidney disease 8) Blackouts



Name three unhealthy coping skills

-using substances

-ignoring or avoiding

-harming yourself or others

-not eating enough or eating too much


What is the height of a basketball hoop in feet?

10 feet


What is a normal response to feeling frustrated or helpless that can range from mild resentment to intense rage.



On average how many people die each year from drug overdose?

More than 112,000 people died from drug overdose in May 2022-May 2023


1. Addiction 2. Respiratory failure 3. Vomiting 4. Death 5. Drowsiness 6. Reduction of pain 7. Diarrhea 8. Very uncomfortable withdrawal



Meditation, talking to someone, breathing exercises, mindfulness, and yoga are healthy coping skills to help reduce ________________.



What country has the world's largest population?

China, at 1.45 billion


A strong emotional connection felt towards people, places, or things that is one of the most positive emotions people are capable of feeling by both giving and receiving.



What is the pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction



How can smoking marijuana affect your lungs?

Can damage the lungs. Put carcinogenic tar and other toxins into your lungs. Increases the risk of bronchitis, chronic coughing/wheezing and lung cancer.

To cut down on tar someone could use a water pipe or a vaporizer instead of a joint or dry pipe. They could also opt to eat it which would completely cut out the tar. 


Healthy coping skills help us: 

a.) deal with stressors in our lives

b.) work through our emotions and problems

c.) process our thoughts and emotions 

d.) all the above 

e.) just a and b

D. All the above


What substance is the leading cause of drug overdose deaths in the United States?



A normal response to disappointing events in your life that leads to negative feelings about oneself, ones experiences, and other people.



What does alcohol do to your body temperature?

LOWERS IT. Alcohol causes your small blood vessels to expand. This increases the flow of blood in your body. Although you may feel warm, your body temperature actually drops. This is why it is not a good idea to drink alcohol to “warm up” when you are exposed to cold air or water. It slows down the heart rate and dilates blood vessels, which can make you feel warmer but increases risk of hypothermia.


What are the risks of mixing energy drinks and alcohol?

Alcohol is a depressant or downer and energy drinks are uppers with high amounts of caffeine in them. Mixing uppers and downers can increase the risk of overdose. Mixing these may make you feel less drunk and more alert than you actually are. If someone continued to drink alcohol, without being able to feel how much was already in their system, it could potentially lead to alcohol poisoning.


How can unhealthy coping skills negatively affect our lives?  

-we can hurt others

-we can hurt ourselves

-cause more problems for us later on


Which is the least harmful (safest) way of taking a substance; eating, smoking, or injecting?

Eating, because it takes longer for the body to absorb it and it can also be puked or pumped out if necessary.


What is an unpleasant, threatening feeling that something bad is about to happen (it is unknown).

