Managing Crises
Emergency Detentions (EDs)
Misc. Mental Health

True or False? Crises are subjective person to person and can vary in severity.



True or False: Dementia/Alzheimers are mental health diagnoses.

False. In addition, neither is Autism. 


What is the purpose of the Mental Health SOP?

How to respond to situations and crises stemming from mental illness.


Who do you consult with for an ED evaluation?

Journey Mental Health crisis worker.


True or False: A Silver Alert request must be made within 72 hours of the individual's disappearance.


Page 81


For how many seconds should breathe in, hold your breath, and then breathe out in order to calm yourself on the way to a crisis call?

4 seconds each

Page 12


Name one personality disorder.

Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder


What do you do in the event of a voluntary admission when ED criteria is present?

Consult with a supervisor.


What is the section in the WI SS that discusses emergency detentions?

WI SS 51.15 (Chapter 51).


Stimulation, stabilization and escalation are examples of steps in what?

The crisis cycle

  • Normal state.
  • Stimulation.
  • Escalation.
  • Crisis State.
  • De-escalation.
  • Stabilization.
  • Post-Crisis Drain, or Depletion.

Pages 5-6


What does "follow-up care" mean in the context of managing a crisis situation?

Examples include taking an intoxicated person to a detoxification facility or initiating an emergency detention of a person with a serious mental illness.

Page 3


Describe the different types of hallucinations, as well as the most common type experienced by people living with mental illness?

The most common type of hallucination for people with mental illness is hearing voices. 

Auditory hallucinations include command hallucinations. 

There are also visual hallucinations.

Page 42


True or False: Criminal charges or citations are not appropriate for combative dementia patients.



What are the four criteria specified in WI state statute regarding probable dangerousness?

  • Danger to self.
  • Danger to others.
  • Inability to care for self.
  • Inability to satisfy basic needs.

Pages 115-117


What are some behaviors associated with people experiencing Medically Significant Behavior?

  • Confusion and bizarre behavior—out of the realm of “ordinary” bad behavior.
  • Extreme agitation and excitement.
  • Hallucinations and paranoia.
  • Violence directed at objects—especially glass and shiny surfaces.
  • Superhuman strength and insensitivity to pain.
  • Hyperthermia—the body temperature may rise as high as 113°F almost 15 degrees above normal—resulting in profuse sweating and often undressing. 

Page 97


List 3 (of several) behaviors and/or characteristics you are likely to encounter from individuals during crisis situations.

  • Appears very upset or angry.
  • Is crying.
  • Seems very confused and/or disoriented.
  • Is withdrawn, is not interacting with or responding to other people.
  • Acts depressed.
  • Seems to be out-of-touch with reality.

Page 4


Which 4 Mental Health disorders are defined as 'serious and persistent'?

  • Depression.
  • Bipolar disorder.
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Anxiety disorders.

Page 33


List 3 (of 6) disposition options stated in the Mental Health SOP.

Release with referral to MH agency, place individual in the care of family/friends, convey voluntarily to crisis or hospital for eval., place in PC for the purpose of eval. For an ED, arrest, PC to detox


If you believe an ED is appropriate, what 4 steps must you take?

1. Take person into custody 2. Complete and sign the Statement of Emergency Detention 3. Transport person to approved facility for evaluation 4. File the Statement of Emergency Detention with facility and the court


What are the five steps of a subject debriefing?

  • Calm yourself and your partner = use autogenic breathing and positive self-talk to calm yourself and your partner after an encounter.
  • Calm the Subject = help the subject calm down throughout the contact.
  • Provide initial medical assessment = find out if the person requires medical care due to injury or illness.
  • Reassure the subject = may need to repeat remarks, particularly if the subject is upset or frightened.
  • Rebuild the subject’s self-esteem = help subject to regain sense of control and dignity.

Pages 28-29


Name the 4 goals that an officer should have while managing a crisis situation.

  • Try to ensure safety for yourself, other officers, subjects, and other citizens.
  • Establish and maintain control.
  • Resolve the situation positively.
  • When appropriate, help arrange follow-up care for people undergoing crises.

Page 1


List 3 (of many) guidelines an officer should follow when responding to a person who has schizophrenia or another thought disorder.

  • Try to use a passive, friendly, and low-key approach.
  • Give simple commands or requests.
  • Never demean or make fun of a person who is behaving strangely.  If a person seems to be experiencing delusions or hallucinations, do not argue with him or her or tell the person that their perceptions are not real.
  • If a person says that he or she is hearing voices, ask directly what the voices are saying.
  • Be aware that some people with delusions incorporate everything into their delusional beliefs.
  • Maintain proper distances and—if possible—allow people to feel that they have an escape route.
  • Be cautious about “buying into” a person’s delusions or hallucinations. However, at times doing so may be acceptable.
  • Be aware of both suicidal and assaultive potential.
  • Be aware of medication needs.
  • Be respectful of people’s possessions and property.

Page 43


What does NSSI stand for? Give one example.

Non suicidal self injury. Cutting, burning, etc.


True or False: When an officer completes an ED, they are civilly committing the subject for psychiatric treatment.

FALSE. Officers do not have the legal authority to civilly commit patients. Instead, an Emergency Detention is a determination that a person meets the statutory requirements for possible civil commitment. Officers are empowered to detain the person for a limited time until the court can decide whether commitment is appropriate. 

Page 118


Identify the five articulated goals of the recommended response to Medically Significant Behavior. 

  • Focus on reducing stress and preventing physical harm.
  • Avoid increasing the subject’s agitation or excitement.
  • Minimize physical struggles with the subject.
  • Minimize the use of restraints.
  • Get medical care for the subject as quickly as possible.

Page 98
