Managing Your Environment
Life Skills
Managing the Mind
Historic People Who Struggled with Mental Health / Substance Use

- They score these in sports, and you need to have them in your life to make progress

what are goals 


passive, aggressive, and assertive are types of?

what is communication 


We experience these in our mind, heart and gut and it is important to learn how to manage our reaction to them

what are feelings or emotions


This is the term for a persistent, strong, and irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or activity

what are phobias


(2000’s) This artist was referred to as the King of Pop, died due to complications from prescription drugs in 2009

Who is Michael Jackson


Part on a gun, but also something to recognize and cope with when you are in addiction or mental health recovery

what are triggers


Counting to 10, breathing, positive self-talk, consequential thinking, grounding, stress management are examples of?

what are coping skills


It is important to learn to manage this uncomfortable mental experience that can occur when we worry or stress over things

what is anxiety 


This mental health disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings, including periods of mania and depression

What is Bipolar Disorder


(1990’s) Singer of one of the most popular grunge bands in the 1990’s who died 1994 at the age of 27, addicted to heroin

Kurt Cobain


Undergarments provide this, and having positive people you can talk to provides this too

What is support


Relaxation, walking, healthy eating, proper sleep, setting aside “me” time, taking breaks, rewarding yourself are examples of ?

what is self care


These changing temporary states of mind can be make us feel high, low and everything in between so it is important to be able to regulate these

what are moods


This is the term for a sudden, intense, and overwhelming episode of fear or discomfort, often accompanied by physical symptoms like a racing heart, shortness of breath, and sweating

What is panic attack 


This legendary Dutch painter, known for "Starry Night," grappled with mental health issues, even to the point where he knowingly cut off part of his own ear

Who is Vincent Van Gogh 


- This is great when it comes to movies shows and plays but it’s not a great thing to have in your daily life

what is drama 


Maintaining limits with self and others, protecting your personal and emotional space, avoiding negativity are examples of?

what are setting (or maintaining) boundaries 


It is essential to learn to eliminate this negative emotion which stems from holding on to anger and grudges

what is resentment


This mental health disorder is characterized by persistent and intrusive thoughts followed by repetitive behaviors or rituals aimed at reducing anxiety

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)


This famous female pop star struggles with anxiety and PTSD after the May 2017 Manchester Arena bombing

Hint: You have seen her on Nickelodeon 

Who is Ariana Grande 


- People lock up their money in one of these, but this also describes a life free from danger and harm

what is safe 


projection, displacement, shielding, denial, and rationalization are examples of? 

What are defense mechanisms 


This categorizes and includes all that is most important in your life and, what you care about the most, and what has the most worth to you

what are values 


Individuals with this diagnosis have a strong fear of abandonment or being left alone

What is borderline personality disorder 


This man who is referred to as the father of modern science was a manic depressive

Hint: He created the laws of motion

Who is Sir Issac Newton 
