This is the only professional who can determine when a suicide watch is able to be terminated
What is a Mental Health Professional?
These are the two categories of risk factors
What are static and dynamic?
This Component of the Collaborative Safety Plan assesses coping skills, also known as
What are self-management strategies?
A request from patient's placed either electronically or handwritten to request services
What is sick calls or kites?
How often special needs patients must be seen
what is every 30 days?
This rating scaled is used to assess risk of suicide during follow-up sessions
What is the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale?
Aside from risk factors, these factors are useful in assessing overall risk
What are protective factors?
Completed at least once during suicide watch placement
What is the Collaborative Safety Plan
Must be seen immediately when triaged
What are Emergent referrals?
Diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria
What is criterion for Special Needs?
This plan should be in place and reviewed during the post-suicide watch follow up
What is a Collaborative Safety Plan?
This is one way to proactively protect yourself from liability should a negative patient outcome occur.
What is document a detailed, clinically sound risk assessment?
Sweating, increased anger, depressed mood are all potential answers for this section on the CSP
What are warning signs?
Must be seen within 7 days
What are routine sick calls
90 days....
What is how long a patient must remain on special needs before removal is considered?
This component of the suicide watch follow up documentation gives guidance to scheduling, referrals and recommended placement
What is the Plan section?
This is when you weigh the patient's risk factors, protective factors and make a clinically appropriate treatment decision
What is completing a risk assessment?
Components of a strong risk formulation
Risk vs. Protective Factors
Current Presentation
Identification of foreseeable changes to risk
Must be seen within 24 hours
What is urgent referrals
Must be seen on special needs caseloads and cannot be considered for removal
What are juveniles in adult custody?
When to have a consultation when discharging from suicide watch
What is training/provisional licensure, new employee, high risk patients, unsure of decision, clearance conflict w/ custody
Best questions to ask to formulate a CSP?
Do you have support in a crisis?
Current coping skills (able to do during incarceration).
What work best to help calm you?
Common reasons for living other than family
Future goals
What sick call slips do MHPs not answer and are often deferred
What is sick call slips regarding medications questions, dosing or side effects
what is every 6 month?