A symptom of depression is a persistently _______ mood.
Give the name of one antidepressant.
Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa, Lexapro, Effexor, Cymbalta, Wellbutrin
A cause of depression is an imbalance in _______.
Neurotransmitters or imbalanced chemicals in the brain.
A natural way to get in shape and increase feelings of happiness is to _______.
Name a well-known support group associated with alcohol and substance abuse.
AA, NA, SMART Recovery
Name 2 symptoms of withdraw.
Sweating, goosebumps, vomiting, anxiety, insomnia, muscle pain.
What do antidepressants attempt to fix?
The imbalances in neurotransmitters.
If these people have a history of depression, you are put at higher risk for depression.
Family members.
Who could you talk to about your feelings of depression?
Family, friends, doctor, therapist.
A strong desire to consume a particular substance is a ___________.
This symptom occurs when you stop liking your favorite hobby/activity.
Lack of interest/pleasure.
When a person begins medication, what symptoms improve before the depressed mood improves?
Energy levels and ability to make decisions.
Name 2 major life events that may cause a person to have depression.
Death, change, stress.
What are two ways of improving your self-esteem?
New skill, new interest, writing, positive affirmations.
When a person gradually needs a larger dose of a drug to feel the same effect is called ____________.
Increased tolerance.
Abnormal physical or psychological features that follow the abrupt discontinuation of a drug that has the capability of producing physical dependance.
Withdraw symptom.
2-4 weeks.
Name one of the three neurotransmitters involved with depression.
What are benefits of having good coping skills?
Decrease symptoms of depression, manage emotions, manage mood, increase self-esteem.
A primary chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and circuitry is referred to as _________.