This happens when chronic stress affect your mental health
What is depression and anxiety?
This is a type of sleep problem that involves trouble falling asleep at bedtime
What is insomnia?
This is a specific type of social support that comes when somebody helps you with monetary needs.
What is financial support?
Why are ghosts bad liars?
Because you can see right through them
A sense that it is safe to express feelings and discuss with someone who makes you feel better just because he/she listens to your problems.
What is emotional support?
Why did the kid sleep with the ruler?
To measure how long he slept
Exercise that can help manage stress
How do you make seven an even number?
Take out the S
Using a distraction to cope with short-term stress
What is self-medicating?
Your staff members meet to provide professional help and support in the best interest of clients
What is staff meeting?
How do you make fruit punch?
Give it a boxing lesson
This is the number one thing you can do to take care of your mental health.
What is self-care?
Ways to improve your support network
What is volunteering, join a gym/church, NA/AA sponsor?
What did the math book say to the other math book?
Boy do I have problems