What are 2 common mental health issues?
Stress, depression, anxiety
What are symptoms?
Effects experienced by the person
What does RCADS stand for?
Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale
What is the first to approach someone struggling with a mental illness?
Make sure they're comfortable with being approached
What are signs?
Effects visible and noticed by another person
What is substance abuse?
An unhealthy coping method involving intake of substances
What are symptoms of depression?
Loss of interest in activities, low moods, changes in apetite, etc
What does a T-score of 70+ on the RCADS indicate?
That the person is in clinical range and should get a referral
What is something you could say to someone struggling with depression?
Answers may vary (tell them you care about them, tell them you're here for them, etc)
What is the RCADS used for?
Measuring severity of depression or anxiety, and indicating whether a referral is needed or not
What are 2 healthy coping mechanisms?
Talking to a counsellor, exercise, doing enjoyable activities, etc
What are warning signs of an eating disorder?
Decreased apetite, avoidance of eating around people, etc
What are 3 resources someone can use to cope with depression?
Kids Help Phone, 310-COPE, school mental health nurse, etc
What is a subtle way you could help someone with depression?
Being there for them more often and letting them express themselves
What should you do before approaching someone with a mental illness?
Recognize what they are struggling with and do research on it
What is mental health?
Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being
What are the symptoms of anorexia?
What are 2 coping strategies for dealing with feeling unmotivated?
Answers may vary (gratitude journal, spending time with loved ones, etc)
What is a way we could create a safer environment that supports mental health?
Being mindful of what we say
What personnel are available at schools to help someone struggling with a mental illness?
School psychologist, school's mental health nurse (all are accessible by asking your guidance counsellor)
What are some effects of stress on your body?
What are general signs of a mental illness?
Sudden change in behaviour, social withdrawl, etc
What is the basis on which mental illness severity is assessed?
Number of symptoms, frequency of symptoms, degree of impairement in social and occupational function
A psychiatrist, a counsellor, a therapist, etc
What are the amygdala, hippocampus, and dorsomedial thalamus?
The subcortical limbic brain regions implicated in depression