When anxiety is overwhelming and pushes us away from our values, it is considered...
Unhelpful Anxiety
When anxiety pushes us towards our values and helps guide our attention
Helpful Anxiety
Awareness, present moment, nonjudgement are apart of these skills
Mindfulness skills (meditation, breathing techniques, etc.)
Thoughts, feelings, behaviors; looking at how these connect
Includes episodes of depression and mania
Bipolar Disorder
Normal physiological and physical reaction to the demands of life
Sudden Episode of Intense Fear or anxiety (may include symptoms such as difficulty breathing)
Panic Attacks
A way to write down your thoughts and feelings to better process them
Multiple people with similar struggles gathered together to help each other out
Support Groups
Constant feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities that can make it hard to enjoy life
The 4 F responses to stress that were covered in the stress management lesson
Fight, flight, freeze, face
A desire to act in service of goal
Looking for the good and having compassion for yourself
Positive Affirmations, positive thinking, or self-love
A technique that aims to get you slowly get comfortable with the things that you fear or have avoided for a long time
Exposure therapy
Long term psychological shock that results from a traumatic incident
How you feel about yourself
Seeing Failure as an Opportunity for growth is apart of this mindset
Growth Mindset
Imagining a happy or peaceful place and incorporating all 5 senses (specific skill)
Guided Imagery (Visualization)
An effective therapy for PTSD that involves recalling traumatic memories and focusing on something such as a hand moving back and forth
Excessive worry that results in social situations
Social Anxiety
Unhealthy or unhelpful thinking patterns
Cognitive Distortions (also accepted - thinking errors, stinkin' thinkin)
Believing that failure is the limit of your abilities is an example of this mindset (this can often hold us back)
Fixed Mindset
The TIPP skills are apart of this larger set of skills that can be helpful in times of emotional crisis.
Distress Tolerance Skills
A technique often used for treating borderline personality disorder; includes skills such as distress tolerance and emotional regulation
Recurrent unwanted thoughts that make people feel driven to do something repetitively