Women are more likely than men to seek services for mental health problems:
Women are more likely to have been treated for a mental health problem than men (29% compared to 17%).This could be because, when asked, women are more likely to report symptoms of common mental health problems.
Characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity that include behaviors like failure to pay close attention to details, difficulty organizing tasks and activities, excessive talking, fidgeting, or an inability to remain seated in appropriate situations.
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Suicide is the ______ leading cause of death among people ages 15-43 in the United states
A: 2nd
B: 9th
C: 15th
D: 4th
A: 2nd
This strategy may involve yoga, running, weight lifting, stretching, hiking, among other techniques.
Physical Activity/Recreation/Exercise
In 2012, actor Bradley Cooper stars in the movie ‘Silver Linings Playbook’. In this movie, Cooper’s character Pat struggles managing his relationships due to his emotional outbursts. What disorder does Pat become labelled with in this movie?
Bipolar Disorder
According to the World Health Organization China has the highest rate of mental illness in the world
Mental health in China is a growing issue. Experts have estimated that about 173 million people living in China are suffering from a mental disorder as compared to the United states which has 51.5 million. Population also needs to be taken into account though as China has a much larger population.
Diagnostic criteria for this disorder are:
• direct experience of a traumatic event;
• witnessing the traumatic event in person;
• learning that the traumatic event occurred to a close family member or close friend
• experiencing first-hand repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the traumatic event (not through media, pictures, television or movies unless work-related).
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Although anxiety disorders are highly treatable, only ______% of adults seek and receive treatment in a given year
B: 98.3%
C: 19.5%
D: 5.2%
A: 36.9%
Using hand warmers, laying down on a soft blanket or using a weighted blanket, are all examples of what type of sensory coping skill?
In 2001, Russell Crowe stars in ‘A Beautiful Mind’. The movie is a biographical drama film based on the life of John Nash; a mathematical savant who is faced with constant challenges due to his condition. Which mental illness befell John Nash?
Shame and stigma are the major reasons people with mental health problems avoid seeking treatment
Characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior, and other symptoms that cause social or occupational dysfunction. For a diagnosis, symptoms must have been present for six months and include at least one month of active symptoms.
In 2018 what percentage of youth ages 6-17 experienced serious mental illness in the United States?
A: 2.2%
16.5% (7.7 million people)
This coping skill is when you engage in calming activities or practice calming techniques to help your mind and body relax
In a 1975 comedy-drama, Jack Nicholson’s character “Mac” McMurphy helped his friends to escape a psych ward and Nurse Ratched’s unpleasant medical methods. Together they stole a hospital bus, commandeered a boat and went deep sea fishing. What was the name of this film based on a 1962 novel of the same name by Ken Kesey.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Mental illnesses are the only factors that affect mental health.
When we think of mental health, we often think of mental illness. But there is more to mental health than not being ill – there is all that makes us healthy mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and in our relationships with others. Mental health includes cognitive fitness, emotional well-being, adapting to life’s challenges, balancing multiple roles, and having fulfilling relationships with others and ourselves.
Our mental health is influenced by many factors, including stress, hormones, physical illness, life stages and life events, relationships, family and spirituality.
People with this mental health disorder experience mood changes and symptoms similar to depression. The symptoms usually occur during the fall and winter months when there is less sunlight and usually improve with the arrival of spring
Mental illness, just like physical illnesses such as diabetes, can be mild, moderate or severe. What percentage of Americans experience mental illness so severe it is chronic and debilitating?
B. 50%
C. 6%
D. 17%
C: 6%
While an estimated 1 in 4 American adults has a form of mental illness during their lives, about 1 in 17, or 6 percent, of Americans develop severe mental illness. A study conducted by the World Health Organization, the World Bank and Harvard University found that the impact of mental illness on countries such as the United States is worse than the burden of cancer.
Apart from providing a pleasant smell ________ can provide respiratory disinfection, decongestant, and psychological benefits.
In 1997, Jack Nicholson found himself acrobatically dodging cracks in the ground, endlessly flicking light switches, and visiting his favorite diner every day to sit in his regular booth. In this film titled ‘As Good As it Gets’, which disorder was Nicholson’s character Melvin living with?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Alzheimer's is a mental illness
Alzheimer's disease is formally recognized as a mental illness. The disease and its symptoms are outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR)
This mental health disorder impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and others, causing problems functioning in everyday life. It includes self-image issues, difficulty managing emotions and behavior, and a pattern of unstable relationships.
Borderline Personality Disorder
According to the American Psychological Association 70% of adults in the U.S. report experiencing some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives; what percentage of these people develop PTSD?
D: 20%
An externalizing coping technique, this strategy is the outward expression of emotions, usually in the company of friends or family
This well-crafted film tells the story of 16-year-old Craig who checks himself into a psychiatric ward because of his depression and suicidal ideation. He ends up staying in the adult unit because the youth wing is under renovation. It’s a safe place where people struggling are getting help, and using humor as a relief from the serious conditions that brought them there. This Hollywood approach to a psychiatric unit may be more comical than any real-life scenario, but it helps normalize the fact that sometimes people need this level of care.
It's Kind of a Funny Story