Get To Know Me
Coping Skills

Where is your favorite spot in the entire world and why is this place your favorite?

Answers vary!


True or false: Anxiety is a bad feeling.

False: there are no such thing as "good" or "bad" feelings. Feelings are simply our bodies way of communicating our needs with us. It's what we do with the feeling that matters. 


What are your top three go to coping skills?

Answers vary!

Examples: deep breathing, going for a walk, listening to music, journaling, talking to a friend


What is your proudest accomplishment?

Answers vary!

Examples: doing well on a test, helping someone in need, graduating, getting a job, winning an award. 


Not all coping skills are healthy. Some can be considered unhealthy. Can you give an example of an unhealthy coping skill?

Answers vary!

Examples: binge eating, avoiding your feelings, isolating yourself, sleeping too much, taking out your feelings on other people, getting aggressive towards property. 


If you could only keep two apps on your phone, what would they be?

Answers vary!


What is one feeling in your own life that you wish you had more control of and why?

Answers vary!

Reframing negative thoughts we have can have a positive impact on how we feel and act. How would you reframe this negative thought?

"Jenny didn't talk to me in class today so she must hate me"


"Jenny didn't talk to me in class today, maybe she is having a hard day. I can talk to her and ask her how she's doing"

Reframing thoughts allows us to have a different perspective. Our "worst case scenario" thoughts are not always true. 


What is something you wish you felt more confident in?

Answers vary!

Examples: art, music, sports, public speaking. 


If a theme song played every time you entered the room, what would your theme song be and why?

Answers vary!


How are you similiar and different from your family members?

Answers vary!


What are three physical symptoms that someone might experience when feeling anxious? 

Answers vary!

Examples: racing heart, feeling hot, sweating, fidgety, difficulty sitting still, feel tense, headache, stomachache, shaking.


Deep breathing can be used to help cope with our emotions. What is an example of a deep breathing exercise?


4-7-8 breathing

Belly breathing

Box breathing 


What are three things that you are really good at?

Answers vary!

Examples: math, art, writing, helping others, sports.


Practicing gratitude can help us cope with negative feelings. What are three things you are grateful for today?

Answers vary!

Examples: family, friends, teachers, pets (anything or anyone that makes you appreciate!)


What is your favorite thing to do each season? (summer, fall, spring, winter)

Answers vary!


Summer: swimming, going to the beach, bbq's with family

Fall: apple picking, pumpkin carving, making pies

Winter: decorating the Christmas tree, snowboarding, building a snowman

Spring: planting flowers, bike riding, going on walks


What are three signs that someone might be struggling with depression?

Answers vary!

Examples: is sad often, feels hopeless, struggles with irritability, isolates from others, doesn't enjoy doing things they used to, sleeps too much or too little, changes in appetite, trouble focusing. 


How would you define "mindfulness" and in what ways can it be used to cope with your emotions?

Answers vary!

People may describe it in various ways: being present in the moment, focusing on the here and now without thinking back to the past or worrying about the future, being aware of thoughts, feelings and sensations while accepting it without judegment and without trying to fight or change it. 


What makes you a good friend/child/sibling/person to other people?

Answers vary!

Examples: listen to others, help others, support others, have fun, cheer them up. 


If you knew your parents would say yes, what would you do today?

Answers vary!

Examples: shopping spree, go on a vacation, get a new pet!


If you could be a actor or actress on any show, which show would you choose and why?

Answers vary!


What are 5 triggers for your own feelings? (sadness, depression, anxiety, anger, etc) and why is it important to understand our triggers?

Answers vary!

Examples: anxious about public speaking, angry when others take my things without asking first, sad when I miss someone. 


What is the 5-4-3-2-1 coping skill?

It's a grounding coping skill. You list off:

5 things you can see

4 things you can touch

3 things you can hear

2 things you can smell

1 thing you can taste 


If someone is struggling with their self-esteem and confidence, what are three things they can do to work on that?

Answers vary!

Examples: use positive self-talk, journaling, positive affirmations, read books, listen to positive music. 


If someone is having difficult emotions at night and it's making it hard to fall asleep, what could they do to cope with that and be able to fall asleep?

Answers vary!

Examples: take a bubble bath, drink relaxing tea, journal about their feelings, have a "designated worry time" earlier in the day, play calming music, diffuse lavendar, mental grounding exercises. 
