DSM Diagnoses
Myths or Truths
Guess what Raven is thinking
Pop Culture Questions

To become mentally disengaged from your surroundings or to become inattentive.

What is zoning out? Dissociation is  described by feelings of being detached from reality, being outside of your own body or experiencing memory loss.


A condition that causes fear, worry and a constant feeling of being overwhelmed. It’s characterized by excessive, frequent and unrealistic worry about everyday things, such as job responsibilities, health or chores.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?


Most mental health disorders are genetic, meaning you get them from your parents.

Half-Truth. There are many things that can influence your mental health, including some biological factors, but it is also influenced by:

finances, access to basic needs, history of trauma, exposure to racism/homophobia/bullying/transphobia... essentially any hate based activity. 


What celebrity does Raven think looks like a thumb?

Who is Channing Tatum?


What music artist's fandom is known as the "Sheerios"?

Who is Ed Sheeran?


 A severe emotional response to a distressing event that can have long-lasting effects on a person's life



Disorder that causes an intense fear of becoming overwhelmed or unable to escape or get help. Because of fear and anxiety, people with this disorder often avoid new places and unfamiliar situations.

What is agoraphobia? 


If you have a couple symptoms of one disorder, that means that you probably have it. 

MYTH! Just like having a headache usually does not mean you have a brain tumor, having some symptoms of a mental disorder does not mean you have it. Everyone has periods of their life when they feel extremely angry or sad or feels like they have a hard time making/keeping friends. There are a lot of factors that go into being diagnosed with something. 


If Raven ate skittles in the order of best to worst, which skittle flavor would be second to last?

What is Orange?


What year did Disneyland open?

When is 1955?


a condition in which you display an over-the-top level of activity or energy, mood or behavior. This elevation must be a change from your usual self and be noticeable by others. Symptoms include feelings of invincibility, lack of sleep, racing thoughts and ideas, impulsive and dangerous activity, rapid talking and having false beliefs or perceptions. 

What is Mania?


a condition in which you have frequent unwanted thoughts and sensations that cause you to perform repetitive behaviors. The repetitive behaviors can significantly interfere with social interactions and performing daily tasks.

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD?


People with bipolar disorder must be either manic or depressed at anytime?

MYTH! Although bipolar is considered to be a lifetime diagnosis, people can go months, years, decades without any symptoms. 


Raven hates all beans except for one type, what kind of beans does Raven NOT hate?

What is jelly beans?


In 2006, this planet was deemed to be a dwarf planet and was removed from most lessons on planets. Which planet is it?

What is Pluto? RIP you're still a planet to me


Recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges or images that are unwanted, usually opposite of how a person actually feels, and in most people cause anxiety or distress.

What are Intrusive Thoughts?


A condition marked by extreme mood swings, difficulty with friend and family relationships and impulsivity. They also tend to show impulsive and dangerous behaviors, such as reckless driving and threatening self-harm. All of these behaviors make it difficult for them to maintain relationships.

Borderline Personality Disorder


Hallucinations can be experienced from any of the senses? Smell, Taste, Sight, Hearing, Touch?

Truth! Auditory hallucinations, or hearing things that others cannot hear, are the most common. 


Raven thinks this animal looks like a human wearing a costume, what animal is it? Clue: Kung Fu Panda

What are Pandas? Seriously though, I do not think they are real. 


Which Disney movie is based on an already existing ride at disneyland?

What is Pirates of the Carribean?


A word for emotional numbing symptoms such as feeling distant from others, losing interest in activities they used to enjoy, or having trouble experiencing positive feelings such as happiness or love. 

What are avoidance symptoms?


Disorder that messes up how your brain works, and may hurt things like your thoughts, memory, senses and behaviors. You may experience hallucinations. As a result, you may struggle in many parts of your day-to-day life. Untreated this disorder often disrupts your relationships (professional, social, romantic and otherwise). 

What is schizophrenia?


If you are diagnosed with a mental disorder, you will always have it. 

MYTH! Throughout a person's lifetime, there may be times that you have all the symptoms of a mental diagnosis and times that you do not. Some diagnoses like schizophrenia and bipolar are believed to be lifetime, but you may not always experience symptoms. 


Does Raven like pineapple on pizza?

Yes. Boo to all the haters. 


What year did the first iphone come out?

When is 2007?
