What is a healthy coping mechanism for managing stress?
Engaging in physical exercise or practicing deep breathing techniques, etc...
Joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust.
What are some examples of positive behaviors?
Engaging in regular exercise, maintaining healthy relationships, and practicing good sleep hygiene.
What is the KITE tool?
Know the situation
Identify solutions
Try the best plan
Evaluate your choice
Name a relaxation technique that can help reduce anxiety.
Deep breathing, deep muscle relaxation or progressive muscle relaxation.
How can someone manage anger?
Taking deep breaths, counting to ten, or removing oneself from the situation temporarily can help manage anger.
How can someone develop positive self-esteem?
Setting realistic goals, recognizing personal strengths, and practicing self-care can help develop positive self-esteem.
You're playing a game with your friend, and they accidentally knock over your tower of blocks. You feel angry and want to yell at them. How can you problem-solve this situation without getting aggressive?
Recognize how you are feeling.
Use a coping skill to calm your body.
Talk to your friend calmly about the situation.
What is one way to practice self-care for mental well-being?
Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as reading a book or taking a bath.
What are anger warning signs?
balling fist, stomping, growling, feeling hot, turning red, yelling.
What are some behavior warning signs?
Isolation, sudden changes in eating habits, or engaging in self-harm.
You accidentally broke a valuable item in your house, and your parents ask if you know anything about it. Feeling scared of their reaction, you consider lying to avoid getting in trouble. How can you problem-solve this situation without resorting to lying and manage your fear of their response?
Recognize you are feeling scared, use a coping skills to decrease the big feeling, talk with your parents about being scared and the situation.
What are some healthy ways to express emotions?
Talking to a trusted friend, writing in a journal, or engaging in creative outlets like art or music.
Being angry is inappropriate.
True or False
False- emotions are safe and normal. It is how we express them that is inappropriate.
If you are worried what might your behaviors look like?
Staying by yourself, biting nails, fidgety
You're playing with your sibling, and they keep teasing you, making you feel angry. How can you problem-solve this situation and find a solution that reduces your anger?
Take space if needed. Talk with your sibling about your concerns, get an adult if needed.