The number of Tiers in our Positive Behavior Support Model
What is 3?
24/7 resources and support for employees
What is the Employee Assistance Plan?
Corporal punishment, emotional distress, physical restraints.
Behavior Incident Report
What do teachers complete if children are not responding to positive behavior guidance?
What is Tri-Valley's monthly wellness newsletter?
Kept in Emergency Binder or inside a classroom cupboard.
What is the Separation Log?
Positive classroom climate, strong classroom organization, intentional interactions between teacher and children.
What does Tier 1 support look like?
Visit centers monthly to support staff, children, and families.
Who are Mental Health Consultants?
Incident Report and/or Accident Report
What must be completed with a Behavior Incident Report when a child or staff is injured?
Safety Plan, External Referral, Positive Behavior Support Team.
What does Tier 3 support look like?
Text or Call 988
What is the crisis number?
Temporary, last resort intervention that includes a plan for the child's return to the classroom.
What is a Temporary Suspension?
Child focused observation, Conscious Discipline Behavior Plan, Positive Behavior Support Team
What does Tier 2 support look like?
Attends Wellness Committee meetings and shares information with their location.
The only people who can make a decision to suspend or expel a child.
What is the Positive Behavior Support Team?