Public Stigma
Healthcare Provider Stigma
Public stigma ultimately can lead to discrimination. T/F?
What is true?
Nurses often hold the same stigmatizing attitudes toward mental illness as the general public.T/F?
What is true?
Self-stigma refers to the phenomenon by which negative stereotypes about mental illness are accepted and incorporated into the identity of the family of a mentally ill person. T/F?
What is false?
Joel's experience with his classmates who called him derogatory names is an example of? a) public stigma b) school/institutional stigma c) community stigma d) all of the above
What is a: public stigma
What would be the most appropriate way for the nurses to refer to Joel? a) schizo b) schizophrenic c) patient with schizophrenia d) patient with diagnosis of bipolar
What is c: patient with schizophrenia
Which of the following factors may be contributing to Joel's self-stigma? a) Classmates remarks (public stigma) b) The nurses remarks (healthcare provider stigma) c) His diagnosis of schizophrenia d) All of the above
What is d: all of the above?
During the case study Joel's classmates started calling him names. What is an intervention that may help with this example of public stigma?
What is school based programs, knowledge contact groups, or mass media interventions?
The nurses caring for Joel labeled him simply by his diagnosis, using derogatory terms. What types of interventions may help nurses and their colleagues reduce mental illness stigma?
What is education, self-awareness, monitoring for stigma, and providing care from a person-centered or recovery- oriented approach
After Joel's diagnosis, he experienced many negative feelings toward himself. How would a nurse help Joel manage these feelings?
What is cognitive strategies, anti-stigma photo voice program, coming out proud course, and shared decision making